[jdk11u-dev] RFR: 8313765: Invalid CEN header (invalid zip64 extra data field size)

Volker Simonis simonis at openjdk.org
Thu Aug 17 18:48:41 UTC 2023

On Thu, 17 Aug 2023 17:03:36 GMT, Andrew John Hughes <andrew at openjdk.org> wrote:

> > Failing linux GHA looks like infra issues - https://github.com/benty-amzn/jdk11u-dev/actions/runs/5885841578/job/15962854580#step:6:76
> Yes, this looks like a variant of the same problem I fixed for 8u in [JDK-8284772](https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8284772), namely that the very specific version of gcc used is fragile and easily broken by Ubuntu updates. I'd suggest applying something similar to 11u. We do need this to run through GHA before being committed.

@gnu-andrew are you working on fixing GHA for jdk11u and is there a JBS issue for it already or should we pick it up?


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk11u-dev/pull/2084#issuecomment-1682789269

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