8299602 - Error encountered while building and testing JDK11U-DEV code

Henry GALVEZ henry.galvez at intm.fr
Mon Feb 27 11:38:08 UTC 2023

Got it, thank you.
I will seek to isolate the build in a container to assign to use the libraries in the indicated versions.
Again, thank you very much.

De: Severin Gehwolf <sgehwolf at redhat.com>
Enviado: lunes, 27 de febrero de 2023 11:26
Para: Henry GALVEZ <henry.galvez at intm.fr>
Cc: jdk-updates-dev at openjdk.org <jdk-updates-dev at openjdk.org>
Asunto: Re: 8299602 - Error encountered while building and testing JDK11U-DEV code


On Fri, 2023-02-24 at 10:26 +0000, Henry GALVEZ wrote:
> Hi Severin,
> I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to report an issue
> that I encountered during the tier 2 test.
> Specifically, the issue occurred in
> sun/security/pkcs11/ec/TestECDH.java during the third action, where
> the test stopped with the error message "Could not create EC public
> key." and other 3 problems linked to certificates.

I'm not very familiar with pkcs11 tests, but they do depend on the
native NSS library and depending on the version and supported ciphers
of that version you might run into issues. The best I can tell you is
trying the setup mentioned in the test directory's README:


My recommendation would be to read this, use the recommended setup and
then compare test runs before and after patch.

Sorry for not being more helpful.


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