[21u Communication] Invitation for new maintainer

Severin Gehwolf sgehwolf at redhat.com
Fri Nov 17 17:51:06 UTC 2023


Please accept this as my application for lead maintainer of OpenJDK 21

At Red Hat we think keeping OpenJDK 21 updates maintained in the open
is important. As with other OpenJDK update release trains we are
committed to keep a very high bar in terms of quality and stability of
OpenJDK 21 updates.

This application has been coordinated with the current OpenJDK 17
maintainers. As has been custom with other OpenJDK update releases, I
will continue to seek consensus on important decisions, such as
potential interim releases or controversial backports. The SAP Java
team will again help in maintaining OpenJDK 21. Their help has been
invaluable in OpenJDK 11 and they do a fantastic job with OpenJDK 17.
It would be my expectation to run OpenJDK 21 updates similar to how
OpenJDK 8, 11 and 17 are being run.

I have been active as a maintainer for OpenJDK updates for many years,
have been an active OpenJDK contributor and and can rely on a very
capable team within Red Hat. No single person can do the work alone so
I expect OpenJDK 21 updates to be the work of interested parties across
the large set of OpenJDK contributors, community and companies alike.

As lead maintainer I'd certainly consider the needs of all parties
equally, but will view stability of OpenJDK 21 updates as the greatest


On Thu, 2023-11-16 at 09:59 +0000, Robert Mckenna wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm sending this mail to notify the community that the current
> maintainers intend to step down for the JDK 21 Updates repository.
> [1]
> We would like to invite prospective new maintainers of the OpenJDK
> 21u repository to step forward prior to holding a call for votes.
>     -Rob
> [1] https://github.com/openjdk/jdk21u

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