Keep jdk11 GHA runners on macosx?

Antonio Vieiro avieirov at
Fri Nov 15 11:47:38 UTC 2024

Hi all,

As you may know keeping up to date with GHA macosx runners is complicated due to recent changes _and_ deprecations [1], both in XCode and Github runners.

This means that jdk11u and jdk11u-dev runners (currently on macos-12) will stop failing on next december unless an upgrade to macos-13 is in place.

It may be possible to build jdk11u/jdk11u-dev on macos-13 with XCode 14.3.1, but this will require adding some extra compilation flags to support the deprecated `sprintf` and some arguments being passed to functions without prototypes (backporting these proved difficult/risky in the past).

These compilation flags are XCode 14 specific and will break builds on `macos-12` and earlier, unless an special configuration flag is added to the build system thats makes the build adapt to XCode 14.

Is there any interest in having jdk11u GHA runners upgraded to run on macos-13? Any interest in keeping jdk11u building on newest XCode versions but failing in previous ones? Opinions?


macos-12 deprecation on 2024-12-03

Xcode 14 and 16 will be removed from macOS 14 on November 4

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