[17u notice]: no more enhancements

Lindenmaier, Goetz goetz.lindenmaier at sap.com
Tue Nov 19 07:47:18 UTC 2024

Dear updates maintainers,

21u is stable in OpenJDK for more than one year, and the next LTS, 25,
is already coming up in less than a year.  Thus I want to remind
maintainers of the rules for eligible changes to 17.  I will be more
strict on approving changes to 17 in future.  As this was very well written
by Andrew Haley, I want to cite the mail of him addressing the topic
for jdk11:


In general, new features and performance improvements from later JDK
releases will not be accepted. There may be exceptions in some cases,
but they will be very unusual, perhaps in cases of gross performance
problems on some systems. We'll address these as they arise.

Any reasonable bug fix that improves the stability, security, or performance
of JDK 11u (here: 17u) in a significant way should be considered.

Bugs fitting into one or more of the following categories will usually
be accepted for approval:

      CPU fix merges (i.e. critical security bugs)
      TZData updates
      Test fixes (and extra tests - more testing is always welcome!)
      Changes to root CACerts
      Changes to the build number
      Fixes specific to downstream builders' projects
      i18n / l10n changes

In addition this list, we will consider

      Build system improvements, particularly for stability and reproducibility
      Changes necessary to make 11u work on new operating systems and hardware.

See also https://mail.openjdk.org/pipermail/jdk-updates-dev/2021-October/009521.html.
If you depend on a change not eligible to be backported to 17, look
into moving to 21 or later!

Best regards,
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