Stabilising jdk10/hs - Please hold large changes for now

jesper.wilhelmsson at jesper.wilhelmsson at
Mon Aug 14 13:47:12 UTC 2017


We are aiming at integrating jdk10/hs to jdk10/jdk10 within a week or two. There are currently 438 new changes in 10/hs (not including merges). To be able to integrate we need to find and fix all integration blockers, or accept that they escape into 10/10.

We are now looking at three integration blockers. If you know of any other bug that is new in 10/hs and has not already been triaged and determined not to be a blocker, please add the integration_blocker label to it asap. Even if the bug can't be fixed within the next week it is better to know in advance what we are pushing to 10/10 in case we need to do any other preparations.

To minimize the risk of introducing new integration blockers we ask everyone to be restrictive about what changes that go in to 10/hs over the next week until an approved snapshot has been produced. This is not a lockdown of the repository, but an appeal to hold those larger potentially risky changes for a week or so if possible.


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