JDK 10 forests open for bug fixes and small enhancements

joe darcy joe.darcy at oracle.com
Thu Jan 26 22:30:27 UTC 2017


On 1/26/2017 2:03 PM, Bob Vandette wrote:
> I have a JDK 10 specific hotspot change that I’d like to get integrated into 10.
> The work is done but needs a review.  During the review I’ll see what the consensus
> is on how destabilizing this change is.  This will not get back ported to JDK 9.
> Where should this change be integrated to, jdk10/dev or jdk10/hs?

HotSpot changes specific to JDK 10 should first go into jdk10/hs. At 
some regular interval, jdk10/hs will be integrated into jdk10/jdk10, 
similar to how jdk9/hs and jdk10/dev relate today.

> How often will changes be pulled from jdk10/dev to jdk10/hs?

In the steady state, the syncs down from jdk10/jdk10 into jdk10/hs 
should be no less frequent than the syncs of jdk9/dev into jdk9/hs 
today. However, I think it would be beneficial for both the syncs down 
from jdk10/jdk10 into jdk10/hs and the integrations up from jdk10/hs 
into jdk10/jdk10 to occur more frequently than today. However, the 
testing situation needs to improve somewhat to allow that to happen 

As jdk10 is starting up when some are still focused on 9, there may be a 
transient period where jdk10 activities are less frequent than 
corresponding activities in 9, but that period shouldn't be too prolonged.



> Thanks,
> Bob.
>> On Jan 26, 2017, at 4:55 PM, mark.reinhold at oracle.com wrote:
>> 2017/1/26 8:12:20 -0800, jesper.wilhelmsson at oracle.com:
>>> I'm not the decision maker here, but this is what was said in a meeting:
>>> The jdk10/jdk10 forest will sync with jdk9/dev. New changes in jdk9/dev is
>>> pulled into 10 this way. The process is planned to be made automatic using Mach
>>> 5 but initially Lana and I will be doing the integrations.
>>> jdk10/hs is a child of jdk10/dev. For changes to go from jdk9/hs to jdk10/hs
>>> they will have to go through 9/dev and 10/dev. This is assumed to take a while.
>>> Right now we only integrate 9/hs to 9/dev once a week, and at most we can crank
>>> that up to twice a week due to the rigorous testing requirements. Once we get
>>> Mach 5 support for HotSpot testing (running all the required VM tests) we can
>>> start integrating more often.
>> Right -- thanks for the summary!
>> - Mark

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