Coming soon: CSR review for JDK 10 API and interface changes

joe darcy joe.darcy at
Fri May 5 22:35:57 UTC 2017


As has been in the works recently [1], the "Compatibility & 
Specification Review" process (CSR) is coming to JDK 10 soon. The CSR 
process is a replacement for the long-running JDK-internal CCC process.

A sampling of JDK 9 CCC requests have been screened and imported to a 
temporary CCC project in JBS:

More detail on the imported issues can be found in the CSR discussion 
list [2] and the CSR wiki page discusses motivation for the process 
along with other supporting information. [3]

Please look over the imported issues to get sense for what the CSR is 
looking for. Assuming no show-stopper issues are found with the CSR 
issue type, I'd like to start using the CSR process to review JDK 10 API 
and other interfaces changes shortly after May 12, 2017.






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