RFR: 8181085: Race condition in method resolution may produce spurious NullPointerException

Andrew Dinn adinn at redhat.com
Thu May 25 13:12:53 UTC 2017

The following webrev fixes a race condition that is present in jdk10 and
also jdk9 and jdk8. It is caused by a misplaced volatile keyword that
faild to ensure correct ordering of writes by the compiler. Reviews welcome.


This same fix is required in jdk9 and jdk8.

The reproducer posted with the original issue manifests the NPE reliably
on jdk8. It does not manifest on jdk9/10 but that is only thanks to
changes introduced into the resolution process in jdk9 which change the
timing of execution. However, without this fix the out-of-order write
problem is still present in jdk9/10, as can be seen by eyeballing the
compiled code for ConstantPoolCacheEntry::set_direct_or_vtable_call.

The patch has been validated on jdk8 by running the reproducer. It stops
any resulting NPEs.

The code for ConstantPoolCacheEntry::set_direct_or_vtable_call on
jdk8-10 has been eyeballed to ensure that post-patch the assignments now
occur in the correct order.


Andrew Dinn
Senior Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd
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