CFV: New JDK 10 Reviewer: Dean Long

Vladimir Kozlov vladimir.kozlov at
Mon Oct 23 17:11:32 UTC 2017

I hereby nominate Dean Long (dlong) to JDK 10 Reviewer.

This is long overdue. Dean Long currently is member of HotSpot JIT 
compiler group. Before that he worked on embedded JVM - he did a lot 
contributions (the exact count is lost) into Oracle's AARCH64 and ARM32 
ports which were pushed into Open JDK year ago. He also contributed 17 
changes into AOT project during its development. Unfortunately both 
projects, ARM and AOT, have only one combined changeset when they were 
pushed into Open JDK. In addition to that Dean contributed 33 changes 
directly to Open JDK Project [3].

Votes are due by 6 November 2017, 10:00 am PT.

Only current JDK 10 Reviewers [1] are eligible to vote on this 
nomination. Votes must be cast in the open by replying to this mailing list.

For Three-Vote Consensus voting instructions, see [2].

Vladimir Kozlov


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