From Joe.Darcy at Sun.COM Mon Mar 3 20:19:43 2008 From: Joe.Darcy at Sun.COM (Joe Darcy) Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2008 20:19:43 -0800 Subject: com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.* classes missing from bin plugs and open sources In-Reply-To: <1204114849.10820.9.camel@dylan> References: <1204114849.10820.9.camel@dylan> Message-ID: <> Dan Munckton wrote: > Hi > > I've discovered (because an app I'm maintaining seems to be using > JPEGCodec and JPEGImageEncoder) that the classes under > com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.* are missing from the OpenJDK 6 & 7 builds. > > They're not in the sources nor in the binary plugs. Googling I find that > stubs have been implemented in the IcedTea sources. > > Can anyone explain what the situation is with these classes? Should they > be in the bin plugs or are they on the way out completely? > > Cheers > > Dan > > When I compile a class referencing that type on production JDK 6 or later, I get a warning: "warning: com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGCodec is Sun proprietary API and may be removed in a future release" So I'd conclude that API has been removed in OpenJDK. -Joe From jonpolcon at Tue Mar 4 08:57:16 2008 From: jonpolcon at (John Connolly) Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 08:57:16 -0800 (PST) Subject: JDK 1.5 Message-ID: <> Hello, I need to download JDK 1.5. All searches on the web seem to redirect to JDK 5.0. Can someone indicate where I can download 1.5, as I'm not sure 5.0 will be compatible with my application. Thanks in advance, John Connolly From David.Herron at Sun.COM Tue Mar 4 09:15:49 2008 From: David.Herron at Sun.COM (David Herron) Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 09:15:49 -0800 Subject: JDK 1.5 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> They're the same thing - they're simply different marketeerese labels. The decoder ring for the version naming starts at this page: - David Herron John Connolly wrote: > Hello, > I need to download JDK 1.5. All searches on the web seem to redirect to JDK 5.0. > Can someone indicate where I can download 1.5, as I'm not sure 5.0 will be compatible with my application. > Thanks in advance, > John Connolly > From Joe.Darcy at Sun.COM Thu Mar 6 17:21:53 2008 From: Joe.Darcy at Sun.COM (Joe Darcy) Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2008 17:21:53 -0800 Subject: HotSpot C++ interpreter? In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Mark Reinhold wrote: > How hard would it be to merge the C++ interpreter from 7 back to 6? > > Andrew Haley of Red Hat tells me that it's important to have it so that > Gary Benson's "zero-assembler" port can be used on architectures to which > HotSpot hasn't yet been ported. > > I'd hope it'd be straightforward, but I could be wrong ... > > - Mark > Currently the HotSpot in OpenJDK 6 is version 10 and the changes in question are from HotSpot 11 in JDK 7. I'd rather wait for these change to flow into the OpenJDK 6 HotSpot via the proposed vm upgrade policy [1] than to start a nontrivial HotSpot branch in OpenJDK 6. -Joe [1] From francis.andre at Fri Mar 7 02:33:05 2008 From: francis.andre at (Francis ANDRE) Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2008 11:33:05 +0100 Subject: [Build WXP] make sanity fails due to an incorrect drive assignment to devtools Message-ID: <> Hi jdk6 team I am trying to build a Hotspot JDK 1.6 on WXP and this is the output of make sanity which is failing. What I am missing?? TFYH Francis Some points to underline: The PC is running WXP Pro SP 2 on a PIV Hyperthreaded with 2 Gb of memory $ uname -a CYGWIN_NT-5.1 idefix 1.5.25(0.156/4/2) 2007-12-14 19:21 i686 Cygwin $ env | grep ALT ALT_BINARY_PLUGS_PATH=/cygdrive/Z/DEV/IWF/Hotspot/openjdk-binary-plugs ALT_DXSDK_PATH=/cygdrive/C/Progra~1/Micros~4 ALT_BOOTDIR=/cygdrive/C/Progra~1/Java/jdk1.5.0_09 $ make -version GNU Make 3.80 $ make sanity /bin/sh: C:Program: command not found /bin/sh: J:/devtools/share/findbugs/latest/bin/findbugs: No such file or directo ry ../make/common/shared/Sanity-Settings.gmk:116: WARNING: ANT_VER should not be em pty [Sanity-Settings.gmk] ../make/common/shared/Sanity-Settings.gmk:117: WARNING: FINDBUGS_VER should not be empty [Sanity-Settings.gmk] /usr/bin/which: no ar in (/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/cygdrive/ c/Program Files/IBM/CICS Transaction Gateway/bin:/cygdrive/c/zOS/Hercules/bin:/c ygdrive/z/isode-8.0/com.pac.osi.cpp/bin:/cygdrive/z/DEV/3rd/poco/bin:/cygdrive/c /DEV/WSSE/w3c/Client:/cygdrive/c/DEV/WSSE/w3c/WS-XA:/cygdrive/c/DEV/WSSE/w3c/Cou ntry/Bank:/cygdrive/c/DEV/WSSE/w3c/Calculator:/cygdrive/c/DEV/WSSE/bin/Debug:/cy gdrive/c/DEV/WSSE/bin/Release:/cygdrive/c/boost/lib:/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Pe rl/bin/:/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32:/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS:/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/Sys tem32/Wbem:/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Hummingbird/Connectivity/7.00/Accessories/: /cygdrive/c/Program Files/cvsnt:/cygdrive/c/Program Files/doxygen/bin:/cygdrive/ c/PROGRA~1/ATT/Graphviz/bin:/cygdrive/c/Program Files/IDM Computer Solutions/Ult raEdit-32:/cygdrive/c/PROGRA~1/IBM/SQLLIB/BIN:/cygdrive/c/PROGRA~1/IBM/SQLLIB/FU NCTION:/cygdrive/c/PROGRA~1/IBM/SQLLIB/SAMPLES/REPL:/cygdrive/c/Program Files/IB M/Installation Manager/eclipse/lib:/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Subversion/bin:/cyg drive/z/DEV/WS/CPP/SAS/bin/debug:/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Apache Software Found ation/maven-2.0.4/bin:/cygdrive/z/Jad:/cygdrive/c/Progra~1/Java/jdk1.5.0_09/bin: /cygdrive/c/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/apache-ant-1.7.0/bin:/cygdr ive/c/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/Common7/IDE:/cygdrive/c/Pr ogram Files/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/VC7/BIN:/cygdrive/c/Program Files/ Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/Common7/Tools:/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Micros oft Visual Studio .NET 2003/Common7/Tools/bin/prerelease:/cygdrive/c/Program Fil es/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/Common7/Tools/bin:/cygdrive/c/Program Files /Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/SDK/v1.1/bin:/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/Microsoft.NE T/Framework/v1.1.4322) make[1]: Entering directory `/cygdrive/z/DEV/IWF/Hotspot/make/tools/freetypechec k' Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 13.10.3077 for 80x86 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1984-2002. All rights reserved. cl : Command line warning D4002 : ignoring unknown option '/usr/lib/freetype.lib ' freetypecheck.c freetypecheck.c(29) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'ft2build.h': No such file or directory make[1]: *** [../../../build/windows-i586/tmp/freetype_versioncheck] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/z/DEV/IWF/Hotspot/make/tools/freetypecheck ' make: [sane-freetype] Error 2 (ignored) /bin/sh: ./../build/windows-i586/tmp/freetype_versioncheck.exe: No such file or directory Bootstrap Settings: BOOTDIR = /cygdrive/C/Progra~1/Java/jdk1.5.0_09 ALT_BOOTDIR = /cygdrive/C/Progra~1/Java/jdk1.5.0_09 BOOT_VER = 1.5 [requires at least 1.5] OUTPUTDIR = ./../build/windows-i586 ALT_OUTPUTDIR = ABS_OUTPUTDIR = z:/DEV/IWF/Hotspot/build/WINDOW~1 Build Tool Settings: SLASH_JAVA = J: ALT_SLASH_JAVA = VARIANT = OPT JDK_DEVTOOLS_DIR = J:/devtools ALT_JDK_DEVTOOLS_DIR = ANT_HOME = C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundationpache-ant-1.7.0 FINDBUGS_HOME = J:/devtools/share/findbugs/latest UNIXCOMMAND_PATH = /usr/bin/ ALT_UNIXCOMMAND_PATH = COMPILER_PATH = C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~1.NET/Vc7/Bin/ ALT_COMPILER_PATH = DEVTOOLS_PATH = /usr/bin/ ALT_DEVTOOLS_PATH = MSVCRT_DLL_PATH = C:/WINDOWS/system32 ALT_MSVCRT_DLL_PATH = MSVCR71_DLL_PATH = C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~1.NET/SDK/v1.1/Bin ALT_MSVCR71_DLL_PATH = MSDEVTOOLS_PATH = C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~1.NET/Vc7/Bin/ ALT_MSDEVTOOLS_PATH = COMPILER_NAME = Visual Studio .NET 2003 Professional C++ COMPILER_VERSION = VS2003 CC_VER = 13.10.3077 [requires at least 13.10.3077] ZIP_VER = 2.32 [requires at least 2.2] UNZIP_VER = 5.52 [requires at least 5.12] LINK_VER = 7.10.3077 [requires at least 7.10.3077] TEMPDIR = ./../build/windows-i586/tmp Build Directives: OPENJDK = true USE_HOTSPOT_INTERPRETER_MODE = PEDANTIC = DEV_ONLY = NO_DOCS = NO_IMAGES = TOOLS_ONLY = INSANE = COMPILE_APPROACH = normal FASTDEBUG = COMPILER_WARNINGS_FATAL = false COMPILER_WARNING_LEVEL = 3 INCREMENTAL_BUILD = false CC_HIGHEST_OPT = -O2 CC_HIGHER_OPT = -O1 CC_LOWER_OPT = -O1 CXXFLAGS = -O1 -Zi -nologo -MD /D _STATIC_CPPLIB -Fd./../build/windows-i586/ tmp/obj/.pdb -Fm./../build/windows-i586/tmp/obj/.map -W3 CFLAGS = -O1 -Zi -nologo -MD /D _STATIC_CPPLIB -Fd./../build/windows-i586/ tmp/obj/.pdb -Fm./../build/windows-i586/tmp/obj/.map -W3 BOOT_JAVA_CMD = /cygdrive/C/Progra~1/Java/jdk1.5.0_09/bin/java -client -Xmx38 4m -Xms128m -XX:PermSize=32m -XX:MaxPermSize=160m BOOT_JAVAC_CMD = /cygdrive/C/Progra~1/Java/jdk1.5.0_09/bin/javac -J-XX:Thread StackSize=768 -J-client -J-Xmx384m -J-Xms128m -J-XX:PermSize=32m -J-XX:MaxPermSi ze=160m -encoding ascii BOOT_JAR_CMD = /cygdrive/C/Progra~1/Java/jdk1.5.0_09/bin/jar BOOT_JARSIGNER_CMD = /cygdrive/C/Progra~1/Java/jdk1.5.0_09/bin/jarsigner Build Platform Settings: USER = FrancisANDRE PLATFORM = windows ARCH = i586 LIBARCH = i386 ARCH_FAMILY = i586 ARCH_DATA_MODEL = 32 ARCHPROP = x86 PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE = x86 PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER = x86 Family 15 Model 4 Stepping 3, GenuineIntel WINDOWS_VERSION = 5 1 Service Pack 2 WINDOWS_NT_VERSION_STRING = CYGWIN_NT USING_CYGWIN = true CYGWIN_VER = 5.1 [requires at least 4.0] CYGPATH_CMD = cygpath -a -s -m OS_VERSION = 5 [requires at least 5] OS_NAME = nt TEMP_FREE_SPACE = 78854652 FREE_SPACE = 198647200 MB_OF_MEMORY = 512 GNU Make Settings: MAKE = make MAKE_VER = 3.80 [requires at least 3.78] MAKECMDGOALS = sanity MAKEFLAGS = --unix SHELL = /bin/sh.exe Target Build Versions: JDK_VERSION = 1.7.0 MILESTONE = internal RELEASE = 1.7.0-internal FULL_VERSION = 1.7.0-internal-FrancisANDRE_07_mar_2008_11_13-b00 BUILD_NUMBER = b00 External File/Binary Locations: USRJDKINSTANCES_PATH = C:/PROGRA~1/Java BUILD_JDK_IMPORT_PATH = J:/re/jdk/1.7.0/promoted/latest/binaries ALT_BUILD_JDK_IMPORT_PATH = JDK_IMPORT_PATH = J:/re/jdk/1.7.0/promoted/latest/binaries/windows-i586 ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH = LANGTOOLS_DIST = ALT_LANGTOOLS_DIST = CORBA_DIST = ALT_CORBA_DIST = JAXP_DIST = ALT_JAXP_DIST = JAXWS_DIST = ALT_JAXWS_DIST = HOTSPOT_DOCS_IMPORT_PATH = /NO_DOCS_DIR ALT_HOTSPOT_DOCS_IMPORT_PATH = HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH = J:/re/jdk/1.7.0/promoted/latest/binaries/windows-i586 ALT_HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH = HOTSPOT_CLIENT_PATH = J:/re/jdk/1.7.0/promoted/latest/binaries/windows-i586/jr e/bin/client ALT_HOTSPOT_CLIENT_PATH = HOTSPOT_SERVER_PATH = J:/re/jdk/1.7.0/promoted/latest/binaries/windows-i586/jr e/bin/server ALT_HOTSPOT_SERVER_PATH = HOTSPOT_LIB_PATH = J:/re/jdk/1.7.0/promoted/latest/binaries/windows-i586/lib ALT_HOTSPOT_LIB_PATH = DXSDK_VER = 0x0700 DXSDK_PATH = c:/Progra~1/Micros~4 ALT_DXSDK_PATH = /cygdrive/C/Progra~1/Micros~4 DXSDK_INCLUDE_PATH = c:/Progra~1/Micros~4/Include ALT_DXSDK_INCLUDE_PATH = DXSDK_LIB_PATH = c:/Progra~1/Micros~4/Lib ALT_DXSDK_LIB_PATH = CACERTS_FILE = ./../src/share/lib/security/cacerts ALT_CACERTS_FILE = OpenJDK-specific settings: FREETYPE_HEADERS_PATH = /usr/include ALT_FREETYPE_HEADERS_PATH = FREETYPE_LIB_PATH = /usr/lib ALT_FREETYPE_LIB_PATH = OPENJDK Import Binary Plug Settings: BINARY_PLUGS_JARFILE = /cygdrive/Z/DEV/IWF/Hotspot/openjdk-binary-plugs/jre/li b/rt-closed.jar ALT_BINARY_PLUGS_JARFILE = BINARY_PLUGS_PATH = /cygdrive/Z/DEV/IWF/Hotspot/openjdk-binary-plugs ALT_BINARY_PLUGS_PATH = /cygdrive/Z/DEV/IWF/Hotspot/openjdk-binary-plugs BUILD_BINARY_PLUGS_PATH = J:/re/jdk/1.7.0/promoted/latest/openjdk/binaryplugs ALT_BUILD_BINARY_PLUGS_PATH = PLUG_LIBRARY_NAMES = Previous JDK Settings: PREVIOUS_RELEASE_PATH = J:/re/jdk/1.6.0/archive/fcs/bundles/windows-i586 ALT_PREVIOUS_RELEASE_PATH = PREVIOUS_JDK_VERSION = 1.6.0 ALT_PREVIOUS_JDK_VERSION = PREVIOUS_JDK_FILE = jdk-6-windows-i586.tar ALT_PREVIOUS_JDK_FILE = PREVIOUS_JRE_FILE = jre-6-windows-i586.tar ALT_PREVIOUS_JRE_FILE = PREVIOUS_RELEASE_IMAGE = ALT_PREVIOUS_RELEASE_IMAGE = WARNING: This machine appears to only have 512Mb of physical memory, builds on this machine could be slow. WARNING: You do not have the utility ar in the directory /usr/bin/. The utilities cpio, ar, file, and m4 are required. WARNING: The version of ant being used is older than the required version of '1.6.3'. The version of ant found was ''. WARNING: The version of findbugs being used is older than the required version of '1.1'. The version of findbugs found was ''. WARNING: HOTSPOT_CLIENT_PATH does not point to valid HotSpot .map files. These files are optional and aid in the debugging of the JVM. Please check your access to J:/re/jdk/1.7.0/promoted/latest/binaries/windows-i586/jre/bin/client/ and/or check your value of ALT_HOTSPOT_CLIENT_PATH. WARNING: HOTSPOT_CLIENT_PATH does not point to valid HotSpot .pdb files. These files are optional and aid in the debugging of the JVM. Please check your access to J:/re/jdk/1.7.0/promoted/latest/binaries/windows-i586/jre/bin/client/ jvm.pdb and/or check your value of ALT_HOTSPOT_CLIENT_PATH. WARNING: HOTSPOT_SERVER_PATH does not point to valid HotSpot .map files. These files are optional and aid in the debugging of the JVM. Please check your access to J:/re/jdk/1.7.0/promoted/latest/binaries/windows-i586/jre/bin/server/ and/or check your value of ALT_HOTSPOT_SERVER_PATH. WARNING: HOTSPOT_SERVER_PATH does not point to valid HotSpot .pdb files. These files are optional and aid in the debugging of the JVM. Please check your access to J:/re/jdk/1.7.0/promoted/latest/binaries/windows-i586/jre/bin/server/ jvm.pdb and/or check your value of ALT_HOTSPOT_SERVER_PATH. WARNING: The directory HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH=J:/re/jdk/1.7.0/promoted/latest/binar ies/windows-i586 does not exist, check your value of ALT_HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH. WARNING: HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH does not contain the interface file jvmti.h. Check your value of ALT_HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH. ERROR: FreeType version or higher is required. ERROR: HOTSPOT_CLIENT_PATH does not point to a valid HotSpot VM. Please check your access to J:/re/jdk/1.7.0/promoted/latest/binaries/windows-i586/jre/bin/client/ jvm.dll and/or check your value of ALT_HOTSPOT_CLIENT_PATH. ERROR: HOTSPOT_SERVER_PATH does not point to a valid HotSpot VM. Please check your access to J:/re/jdk/1.7.0/promoted/latest/binaries/windows-i586/jre/bin/server/ jvm.dll and/or check your value of ALT_HOTSPOT_SERVER_PATH. ERROR: HOTSPOT_LIB_PATH does not point to a valid HotSpot library. Please check your access to J:/re/jdk/1.7.0/promoted/latest/binaries/windows-i586/lib/jvm.lib and/or check your value of ALT_HOTSPOT_LIB_PATH. Exiting because of the above error(s). make: *** [sane-lastrule] Error 1 From francis.andre at Fri Mar 7 03:40:56 2008 From: francis.andre at (Francis ANDRE) Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2008 12:40:56 +0100 Subject: [Build][WXP]: make sanity fails in compiling freetype_versioncheck. Message-ID: <> Hi jdk6 team It seems that the variable REQUIRED_FREETYPE_VERSION is not defiend for a WXP build which leads to failed compilation for freetype_versioncheck. I just added an echo in Sanity.gmk as sane-freetype: @-echo REQUIRED_FREETYPE_VERSION=$(REQUIRED_FREETYPE_VERSION) @-($(CD) $(BUILDDIR)/tools/freetypecheck && \ $(MAKE) REQUIRED_FREETYPE_VERSION=$(REQUIRED_FREETYPE_VERSION) \ and the result is: REQUIRED_FREETYPE_VERSION= make[1]: Entering directory `/cygdrive/z/DEV/IWF/Hotspot/make/tools/freetypechec k' echo Z:/DEV/IWF/Hotspot/freetype/include Z:/DEV/IWF/Hotspot/freetype/include Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 13.10.3077 for 80x86 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1984-2002. All rights reserved. freetypecheck.c freetypecheck.c(42) : warning C4003: not enough actual parameters for macro 'QUO TEME' freetypecheck.c(42) : error C2059: syntax error : ')' freetypecheck.c(45) : warning C4003: not enough actual parameters for macro 'QUO TEME' freetypecheck.c(45) : error C2059: syntax error : ')' freetypecheck.c(49) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before '&' freetypecheck.c(49) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '{' before '&' freetypecheck.c(49) : error C2059: syntax error : '&' freetypecheck.c(49) : error C2059: syntax error : ')' freetypecheck.c(50) : error C2059: syntax error : ',' freetypecheck.c(50) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before '&' freetypecheck.c(50) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '{' before '&' freetypecheck.c(50) : error C2059: syntax error : '&' freetypecheck.c(50) : error C2059: syntax error : ')' freetypecheck.c(51) : error C2059: syntax error : ',' freetypecheck.c(51) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before 'string' freetypecheck.c(51) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '{' before 'string' freetypecheck.c(51) : error C2059: syntax error : '' freetypecheck.c(51) : error C2059: syntax error : ')' freetypecheck.c(53) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before 'string' freetypecheck.c(53) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '{' before 'string' freetypecheck.c(53) : error C2059: syntax error : '' freetypecheck.c(53) : error C2059: syntax error : ')' freetypecheck.c(54) : error C2059: syntax error : 'if' freetypecheck.c(54) : warning C4003: not enough actual parameters for macro 'QUO TEME' freetypecheck.c(58) : error C2059: syntax error : 'return' freetypecheck.c(59) : error C2059: syntax error : '}' make[1]: *** [../../../build/windows-i586/tmp/freetype_versioncheck] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/z/DEV/IWF/Hotspot/make/tools/freetypecheck ' make: [sane-freetype] Error 2 (ignored) /bin/sh: ./../build/windows-i586/tmp/freetype_versioncheck.exe: No such file or directory From Tim.Bell at Sun.COM Fri Mar 7 09:14:06 2008 From: Tim.Bell at Sun.COM (Tim Bell) Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2008 09:14:06 -0800 Subject: [Build][WXP]: make sanity fails in compiling freetype_versioncheck. In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Hi Francis: > Hi jdk6 team You need to export OPENJDK=true in your environment. By the time the Makefiles have figured out that you are doing an openjdk build, it is too late. (bug-ID 6654456). Reference this message thread: I attached my env and build scripts. Hopefully they are intact and not word wrapped. I am building JDK7 on Windows XP using cygwin and Microsoft Visual Studio 8 so you will need to adjust to suit your environment. This is based on Kelly's examples here: Tim -------------- next part -------------- An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed... Name: build.bash Url: -------------- next part -------------- An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed... Name: env.bash Url: From Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM Fri Mar 7 10:24:35 2008 From: Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM (Kelly O'Hair) Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2008 10:24:35 -0800 Subject: [Build][WXP]: make sanity fails in compiling freetype_versioncheck. In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> I pushed a changeset into the build area for this: -kto Tim Bell wrote: > Hi Francis: > >> Hi jdk6 team > > You need to export OPENJDK=true in your environment. > > By the time the Makefiles have figured out that you are doing an openjdk > build, it is too late. (bug-ID 6654456). Reference this message thread: > > > I attached my env and build scripts. Hopefully they are intact and not > word wrapped. I am building JDK7 on Windows XP using cygwin and > Microsoft Visual Studio 8 so you will need to adjust to suit your > environment. This is based on Kelly's examples here: > > > > Tim > From Joe.Darcy at Sun.COM Thu Mar 13 21:30:46 2008 From: Joe.Darcy at Sun.COM (Joseph D. Darcy) Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 21:30:46 -0700 Subject: Update on b07; now expected week of March 17, 2008 Message-ID: <> Hello. A quick update on the status of b07, it doesn't seem likely that we'll ship by March 14; we're running down a new build issue that I expect will be resolved in a day or two. As for what will be in the next build, a change has been putback so that out of the box the build can succeed *without* using any binary plugs. However, if the plugs aren't used, neither the midi synthesize nor SNMP will work at runtime. (This change seems unrelated to the build problem.) The trademark notification has also been updated. -Joe From Joe.Darcy at Sun.COM Thu Mar 20 20:41:39 2008 From: Joe.Darcy at Sun.COM (Joseph D. Darcy) Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 20:41:39 -0700 Subject: Update on b07; now expected week of March 17, 2008 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Joseph D. Darcy wrote: > Hello. > > A quick update on the status of b07, it doesn't seem likely that we'll > ship by March 14; we're running down a new build issue that I expect > will be resolved in a day or two. > > As for what will be in the next build, a change has been putback so that > out of the box the build can succeed *without* using any binary plugs. > However, if the plugs aren't used, neither the midi synthesize nor SNMP > will work at runtime. (This change seems unrelated to the build problem.) > > The trademark notification has also been updated. The b07 bits with the features above are now available from (The build problem involved whether or not motif was expected for the OpenJDK build; the correct behavior in this regard has been restored.) Enjoy, -Joe From mr at Fri Mar 21 08:50:10 2008 From: mr at (Mark Reinhold) Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 08:50:10 -0700 Subject: OpenJDK source bundle contains binary artifacts Message-ID: <> FYI, it's been pointed out that the OpenJDK-6 source bundle contains binary artifacts of questionable lineage [1]. We'll look into this ASAP, with the aim of fixing as many of these items as possible in the next source drop. - Mark [1] From David.Herron at Sun.COM Mon Mar 24 12:41:16 2008 From: David.Herron at Sun.COM (David Herron) Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 12:41:16 -0700 Subject: Hotspot compile issue w/ openjdk6-b07 Message-ID: <> I'm trying to build on Ubuntu 8.04beta .. it comes with gcc 4.2.3 default Note that README-builds.html says to use gcc 4.1.x. My Ubuntu 7.10 system has 4.1.x The compile fails on hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/classes.cpp saying In file included from .../hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/classes.cpp:36: .../hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/classes.hpp: In member function 'virtual const Type* PartialSubtypeCheckNode::bottom_type() const': .../hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/classes.hpp:309: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault This doesn't happen on my Ubuntu 7.10 system .. From David.Herron at Sun.COM Mon Mar 24 19:46:25 2008 From: David.Herron at Sun.COM (David Herron) Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 19:46:25 -0700 Subject: Further investigation of compiling w/ gcc 4.2.x -- Re: Hotspot compile issue w/ openjdk6-b07 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> David Herron wrote: > I'm trying to build on Ubuntu 8.04beta .. it comes with gcc 4.2.3 default > > Note that README-builds.html says to use gcc 4.1.x. My Ubuntu 7.10 > system has 4.1.x > > The compile fails on hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/classes.cpp saying > > In file included from .../hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/classes.cpp:36: > .../hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/classes.hpp: In member function > 'virtual const Type* PartialSubtypeCheckNode::bottom_type() const': > .../hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/classes.hpp:309: internal compiler > error: Segmentation fault > > This doesn't happen on my Ubuntu 7.10 system .. The above error is not currently happening. I hadn't installed all the required -dev packages and have since installed them, and the above error disappeared. However further along in the compile I had to make a few simple source changes to fix compile errors. In hotspot a number of files are compiled with -Werror (which turns warnings into errors), and these had to do with instances of using a string constant as a "char *". Depending on the context I either changed a declaration of "char *" to "const char *" or otherwise cast'd the string constant to "char *". Another change had to do with the MOTIF requirement. There was email chatter a week or two ago on an internal mailing list about removing from OpenJDK6 the Motif dependency. Is that the plan? Currently installation of Motif (specifically the package libmotif-dev) seems to be required. I started with setting an environment variable MOTIF_REQUIRED=false. Running 'make sanity' still said that Motif was required. I looked in jdk/make/common/shared/Sanity.gmk and the checks there seemed to be incorrect, so I simply commented out the check for Motif. Later the compile reached AWT and in awt_util.c it had a hard requirement on a Motif header file. At that point I went ahead and installed libmotif-dev to get it compiled. My compile is still failing during the build of tools.jar -- it says error: class file for java.lang.annotation.Inherited not found -------------- next part -------------- An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed... Name: diffs Url: From David.Herron at Sun.COM Mon Mar 24 20:09:10 2008 From: David.Herron at Sun.COM (David Herron) Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 20:09:10 -0700 Subject: Further investigation of compiling w/ gcc 4.2.x -- Re: Hotspot compile issue w/ openjdk6-b07 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> David Herron wrote: > David Herron wrote: >> I'm trying to build on Ubuntu 8.04beta .. it comes with gcc 4.2.3 >> default >> >> Note that README-builds.html says to use gcc 4.1.x. My Ubuntu 7.10 >> system has 4.1.x >> >> The compile fails on hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/classes.cpp saying >> >> In file included from .../hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/classes.cpp:36: >> .../hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/classes.hpp: In member function >> 'virtual const Type* PartialSubtypeCheckNode::bottom_type() const': >> .../hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/classes.hpp:309: internal compiler >> error: Segmentation fault >> >> This doesn't happen on my Ubuntu 7.10 system .. > > The above error is not currently happening. I hadn't installed all > the required -dev packages and have since installed them, and the > above error disappeared. > > However further along in the compile I had to make a few simple source > changes to fix compile errors. In hotspot a number of files are > compiled with -Werror (which turns warnings into errors), and these > had to do with instances of using a string constant as a "char *". > Depending on the context I either changed a declaration of "char *" to > "const char *" or otherwise cast'd the string constant to "char *". > > Another change had to do with the MOTIF requirement. There was email > chatter a week or two ago on an internal mailing list about removing > from OpenJDK6 the Motif dependency. Is that the plan? Currently > installation of Motif (specifically the package libmotif-dev) seems to > be required. > I started with setting an environment variable MOTIF_REQUIRED=false. > Running 'make sanity' still said that Motif was required. I looked in > jdk/make/common/shared/Sanity.gmk and the checks there seemed to be > incorrect, so I simply commented out the check for Motif. Later the > compile reached AWT and in awt_util.c it had a hard requirement on a > Motif header file. At that point I went ahead and installed > libmotif-dev to get it compiled. > > My compile is still failing during the build of tools.jar -- it says > > error: class file for java.lang.annotation.Inherited not found > > > > Oh, I forgot to discuss the change to control/build/linux-i586/gensrc/java/nio/charset/ It didn't compile because it had "$replType$" tokens in various places. It appears to be a generated source file and it appears 'replType' is supposed to be replaced with String and I made that replacement. However it then had some impedence mismatches as if it was supposed to be byte[] instead. The changes in CharsetEncoder are required to match String with byte[] requirements. - David From aph at Tue Mar 25 03:38:54 2008 From: aph at (Andrew Haley) Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 10:38:54 +0000 Subject: Hotspot compile issue w/ openjdk6-b07 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> David Herron wrote: > I'm trying to build on Ubuntu 8.04beta .. it comes with gcc 4.2.3 default > > Note that README-builds.html says to use gcc 4.1.x. My Ubuntu 7.10 > system has 4.1.x > > The compile fails on hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/classes.cpp saying > > In file included from .../hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/classes.cpp:36: > .../hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/classes.hpp: In member function > 'virtual const Type* PartialSubtypeCheckNode::bottom_type() const': > .../hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/classes.hpp:309: internal compiler > error: Segmentation fault > > This doesn't happen on my Ubuntu 7.10 system .. If you can compile that file with -save-temps and produce a .ii preprocessed file it will be a reproducible test case. I'll have a look. Andrew. From Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM Tue Mar 25 10:05:11 2008 From: Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM (Kelly O'Hair) Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 10:05:11 -0700 Subject: Further investigation of compiling w/ gcc 4.2.x -- Re: Hotspot compile issue w/ openjdk6-b07 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> MOTIF_REQUIRED is a bit mis-named, it's referring to the Motif libraries really. The jdk builds will always require some Motif #include files, regardless of the MOTIF_REQUIRED setting. All OPENJDK builds should have set MOTIF_REQUIRED=false. --- I am a big fan of removing all warning errors and asking for all compilers to generate all possible warnings, but one of the problems with things like -Werror is that each release (even minor) of a compiler has the potential to create new warnings, which with -Werror will trigger a failed build. So as much as I love -Werror, it becomes a royal headache when you have source that compiles clean most of the time, but you can't possibly verify that it compiles clean all of the time. All the C++ compilers suffer from this issue, and it's not their fault really, the new warnings are usually correct. I would pass on the hotspot changes to the hotspot team, but I don't have a good answer for this -Werror problem in general, except to remove -Werror when compiling in unknown or uncharted territory. --- I don't know what the annotation problem is. -kto David Herron wrote: > David Herron wrote: >> I'm trying to build on Ubuntu 8.04beta .. it comes with gcc 4.2.3 default >> >> Note that README-builds.html says to use gcc 4.1.x. My Ubuntu 7.10 >> system has 4.1.x >> >> The compile fails on hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/classes.cpp saying >> >> In file included from .../hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/classes.cpp:36: >> .../hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/classes.hpp: In member function >> 'virtual const Type* PartialSubtypeCheckNode::bottom_type() const': >> .../hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/classes.hpp:309: internal compiler >> error: Segmentation fault >> >> This doesn't happen on my Ubuntu 7.10 system .. > > The above error is not currently happening. I hadn't installed all the > required -dev packages and have since installed them, and the above > error disappeared. > > However further along in the compile I had to make a few simple source > changes to fix compile errors. In hotspot a number of files are > compiled with -Werror (which turns warnings into errors), and these had > to do with instances of using a string constant as a "char *". > Depending on the context I either changed a declaration of "char *" to > "const char *" or otherwise cast'd the string constant to "char *". > > Another change had to do with the MOTIF requirement. There was email > chatter a week or two ago on an internal mailing list about removing > from OpenJDK6 the Motif dependency. Is that the plan? Currently > installation of Motif (specifically the package libmotif-dev) seems to > be required. > I started with setting an environment variable MOTIF_REQUIRED=false. > Running 'make sanity' still said that Motif was required. I looked in > jdk/make/common/shared/Sanity.gmk and the checks there seemed to be > incorrect, so I simply commented out the check for Motif. Later the > compile reached AWT and in awt_util.c it had a hard requirement on a > Motif header file. At that point I went ahead and installed > libmotif-dev to get it compiled. > > My compile is still failing during the build of tools.jar -- it says > > error: class file for java.lang.annotation.Inherited not found > > > > From Joe.Darcy at Sun.COM Thu Mar 27 01:19:44 2008 From: Joe.Darcy at Sun.COM (Joseph D. Darcy) Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 01:19:44 -0700 Subject: OpenJDK source bundle contains binary artifacts In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Mark Reinhold wrote: > FYI, it's been pointed out that the OpenJDK-6 source bundle contains > binary artifacts of questionable lineage [1]. We'll look into this > ASAP, with the aim of fixing as many of these items as possible in > the next source drop. > > - Mark > > > [1] Build b08 of OpenJDK 6 has been posted for download: This new drop addresses all the suspect binary files under the src and make directories as well as some of the ones under test. I've updated the bug [1] with some more details. We are also continuing to work on making the licensing of the remaining binary files in the test directory more transparent. -Joe