OpenJDK 6 build 17 coming soon

Joseph D. Darcy Joe.Darcy at Sun.COM
Wed Aug 5 09:20:24 PDT 2009

Andrew John Hughes wrote:
> 2009/8/5 Joseph D. Darcy <Joe.Darcy at>:
>> Andrew John Hughes wrote:
>>> 2009/8/5 Joe Darcy <Joe.Darcy at>:
>>>> Hello.
>>>> Build 17 of OpenJDK 6 will conclude after the remainder of the
>>>> security-related fixes get back into the repository and the hs14 merge
>>>> has
>>>> been completed.
>>>> -Joe
>>> There's a further changeset on top of the hs14 merge I'd like to get
>>> into b17 if possible.  It's a backport from 7 (the one I already
>>> proposed for hs14) which allows HotSpot to be built with GCC 4.3 and
>>> later (and thus on newer distros such as Fedora 9 up, current Debian
>>> and Ubuntu, etc).  Is this possible?  I can post a webrev for it as
>>> soon as the merge push is complete.
>> That sounds like a fine change; please post the webrev for review.
>> -Joe
> Here you go:
> It's a backport of 6781583 which fixes a number of build issues.

Looks fine; approved to go back.


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