Fwd: Extremely dangerous remote vulnerability

Brian Gardner openjdk at getsnappy.com
Tue Aug 25 07:19:37 PDT 2009

My name is Brian Gardner and I'm the maintainer of openjdk6 on  
FreeBSD.  It looks like their is a severe vulnerability in openjdk 6,  
however I don't see a fix in mercurial yet.  Is there a patch I can  
apply to our port?

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Artefact2 <artefact2 at gmail.com>
> Date: August 25, 2009 3:48:48 AM PDT
> To: openjdk at getsnappy.com
> Subject: Extremely dangerous remote vulnerability
> Hello there,
> According to
> http://www.cert.fi/en/reports/2009/vulnerability2009085.html , all the
> JVMs availible on FreeBSD are affected by that vulnerability.
> That allows anyone to execute arbitrary code remotely where a XML
> parser is involved... Updating to Java 1.6 update 15 fixes the  
> problem.
> Is it possible to update that port to OpenJDK equivalent of update  
> 15 ?
> Thanks for providing OpenJDK6 for FreeBSD and for your help.

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