hg: jdk7/hotspot-gc/hotspot: 6902303: G1: ScavengeALot should cause an incremental, rather than a full, collection

y.s.ramakrishna at sun.com y.s.ramakrishna at sun.com
Thu Nov 19 16:05:37 PST 2009

Changeset: 3fc996d4edd2
Author:    ysr
Date:      2009-11-19 13:43 -0800
URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7/hotspot-gc/hotspot/rev/3fc996d4edd2

6902303: G1: ScavengeALot should cause an incremental, rather than a full, collection
Summary: ScavengeALot now causes an incremental (but possibly partially young, in the G1 sense) collection. Some such collections may be abandoned on account of MMU specs. Band-aided a native leak associated with abandoned pauses, as well as an MMU tracker overflow related to frequent scavenge events in the face of a large MMU denominator interval; the latter is protected by a product flag that defaults to false.
Reviewed-by: tonyp

! src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectedHeap.cpp
! src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectorPolicy.cpp
! src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1MMUTracker.cpp
! src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1MMUTracker.hpp
! src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1_globals.hpp
! src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/vm_operations_g1.cpp
! src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/vm_operations_g1.hpp
! src/share/vm/memory/sharedHeap.hpp

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