hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 2 new changesets

kelly.ohair at oracle.com kelly.ohair at oracle.com
Wed Sep 22 17:09:47 PDT 2010

Changeset: 4db5c4867a78
Author:    ohair
Date:      2010-09-22 11:06 -0700
URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7/tl/jdk/rev/4db5c4867a78

6946527: rebranding system properties per Oracle Requirements (vendor)
Summary: Changes from "Sun Microsystems, Inc." to "Oracle Corporation" in the java.vendor, java.specification.vendor and java.vendor.url Java system properties. Also change of Windows COMPANY file property from "Oracle" to "Oracle Corporation".
Reviewed-by: lancea, flar

! make/common/shared/Defs.gmk
! src/share/native/java/lang/System.c

Changeset: 378ea143ff5f
Author:    ohair
Date:      2010-09-22 12:53 -0700
URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7/tl/jdk/rev/378ea143ff5f


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