jdk7-b27: JSN, Tools, Core Libraries, and Serviceability

Tim Bell Tim.Bell at Sun.COM
Fri Apr 25 20:14:38 PDT 2008



Component : tools
Go/NoGO   : Go
Date      : 04/25/08  at 14:18
Tested By : SQE TL PIT
Cost(total man-days): 0.5

Workspace : /java/jdk/7.0/ws/integration/Telos/jdk
Bundles   : /net/bonsai.sfbay/w/builds/jdk/7/platform/2008/113/bundles
Platforms : Solaris Sparc 11(32), -server; WinXP Prof(32), -client; RH AS4.0 (32), -server; 
SuSE SLES10 AMD(64OS)(64jdk), -server

Tests     : /net/sqenfs-1/export1/comp/tools/testbase
Browsers  : NA
Patches   : NA
Logs      : http://javaweb.sfbay/cgi-bin/tls/OneBuildStatus.cgi?build_id=113
Number of Tests Executed :  1079 product tests, 7 unit tests, 0 tck tests

Bug verification status:
Tested. Pass:
5009937 hiding versus generics versus binary compatibility
6365166 javac (generic) unable to resolve methods
6450290 Capture of nested wildcards causes type error
6481655 Parser confused by combination of parens and explicit type args
6531075 Missing synthetic casts when accessing fields/methods of intersection types including 
type variables
6559182 Cast from a raw type with non-generic supertype to a raw type fails unexpectedly
6657499 javac 1.6.0 fails to compile class with inner class

Tested. Fail:

Bugs/rfes with no unit tests and no 'noreg-/nounit-' keywords:
6684582 Launcher needs improved error reporting

Bugs/rfes with no unit tests:
6683438 Bad regression test for CR 6611449

New bugs filed during this PIT  : None


Integration target J2SE build number: 1.7.0-b27


Component : serviceability
Status    : 0 major failures, 0 minor failures
Date      : 04/25/2008 at 08:17
Tested By : VMSQE team
Cost(total man-days): 1

Workspace : NA
Bundles   : /net/jprt-web.sfbay/jprt/archive/2008/04/2008-04-22-080933.tbell.Agones/bundles
Platforms :
Solaris Sparc 11(32), -client
Solaris Sparc 10(32), -client
Solaris Sparc 9(32), -client
Solaris x86 11(32), -client
Solaris x86 10(32), -client
Solaris x86 9(32), -client
WinXP Prof(32), -client
WinXP Home(32), -client
Win Server 2003(32), -client
Windows Vista 32 bit, -client
RH AS4.0 (32), -client
Solaris AMD64(64jdk), -d64/-server
Sol Sparc 10(64OS)(64jdk), -d64/-server
Sol Sparc 9(64OS)(64jdk), -d64/-server
win server2003 AMD(64OS)(64jdk), -d64/-server
RH AS4.0 AMD(64OS)(64jdk), -d64/-server

Tests     : /net/sqenfs-1.sfbay/export1/comp//vm/testbase/sqe/vm/6/build/execution, 
Browsers  : NA
Patches   : NA
Logs      : 
Number of Tests Executed : 137167 product tests, 0 unit tests, 0 tck tests

Bug verification status:
  Tested, Pass:
6610094: Add generic support for platform MXBeans of any type
6687508: Update test/sun/management jtreg tests due to sun.management.ManagementFactory class 

  Tested, Pass (partial fixes):

  Tested, Fail:

  Untested bug fixes:
     Bugs/rfes with no unit tests:
6690122: Provide a mechanism for specifying Java-level USDT-like dtrace probes

     Other reasons:

  New bugs filed:
     Bugs in PIT build:
6694002: TEST_BUG: closed/vm/gc/ArraySize.java fails 64-bit jvm with Parallel GCs
6694137: nsk/jdi/ReferenceType/instances/instances004 could fail by timeout with 64bit jvm with 

     Bugs in earlier promoted build:

Number of PIT requested: 1
Integration target J2SE build number: 1.7.0-b27

Issues and Notes:
   6690122 is JDK-side of the work for 6537506. 6537506 is HotSpot work which has not been 
integrated yet. So, no way to test now.
 From VMSQE team


Component : libs
Go/NoGO   : Go
Date      : 04/25/08  at 15:26
Tested By : SQE TL PIT
Cost(total man-days): 0.5

Workspace : /java/jdk/7.0/ws/integration/Telos/jdk
Bundles   : /net/bonsai.sfbay/w/builds/jdk/7/platform/2008/113/bundles
Platforms : Solaris Sparc 11(32), -server; WinXP Prof(32), -client; RH AS4.0 (32), -server; 
SuSE SLES10 AMD(64OS)(64jdk), -server

Tests     : /net/sqenfs-1/export1/comp/libs/testbase
Browsers  : NA
Patches   : NA
Logs      : http://javaweb.sfbay/cgi-bin/tls/OneBuildStatus.cgi?build_id=113
Number of Tests Executed :  1640 product tests, 0 unit tests, 0 tck tests

Bug verification status:
Tested. Pass:

Tested. Fail:

Bugs/rfes with no unit tests and no 'noreg-/nounit-' keywords:
6529796 Support JIS X 0213:2004 in existing JDK versions, especially for Windows Vista
6635133 Exception thrown when using a Unicode escape
6635133 Exception thrown when using a Unicode escape

Bugs/rfes with no unit tests:

New bugs filed during this PIT  : None

Notes: Seetharam, can your team check the 2 failures. Thanks, Steve

Integration target J2SE build number: 1.7.0-b27

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