jdk7-b28: 2d

Lana Steuck lana.steuck at sun.com
Wed Jun 4 21:01:41 PDT 2008



Component : 2d
Status    : 0 major failures, 0 minor failures
Date      : 06/02/2008 at 22:06
Tested By : Tao
Cost(total man-days): 5

Workspace : /net/sqe1.sfbay/quality2/2d/Mustang_2d_ws/
Bundles   : 
Platforms :
Solaris Sparc 10(32), -client
WinXP Prof(32), -client
Windows Vista 32 bit, -client
JDS Cinnabar (SuSE SLD9(32)), -client

Tests     : 
Browsers  : NA
Patches   : NA
Logs      : http://sqeweb.sfbay/2d/release/jdk7/pit/results/b28/
Number of Tests Executed : 230 product tests, 25 unit tests, 0 tck tests

Bug verification status:
 Tested, Pass:
6223022: '8' in 11pt Tahoma font is not rendered properly
6523403: OSS CMM: Need to provide lcms library with PYCC and LINEAR_RGB 
OS ICC profiles
6603465: com.sun.image.codec.jpeg tests should not be run by the test 
6604044: java crashes talking to second X screen
6611637: sun.font.GlyphLayout not threadsafe causing NullPointerException
6616758: Regression: Subpixel Courier New W looks bad
6626403: getFontMetrics hangs Java
6630501: CRASH: JCK test eats much memory and jvm crashes
6633656: Cross platform print dialog doesn't check for orientation being 
6634780: T2K may crash on fonts with empty bitmaps
6636469: Java Fullscreen Exclusive Mode not working with Xorg server 
1.3.0 and above
6638477: Two external URLS referenced in 2D documentation are no longer 
6640532: Graphics.getFontMetrics() throws NullPointerException
6656651: Windows Look and Feel LCD glyph images have some differences 
from native applications.
6658419: Regression test OffByOne.java threw exceptions in windows
6662775: Move Imaging and color classes from closed to open
6664915: SecurityException using javax.print APIs when queuePrintJob 
permission is granted.
6675596: SurfaceManagerFactory should allow plugging in different 
6678161: Printing to remote non-Postscript printer does not work in Linux
6679308: Poor text rendering on translucent image.
6683472: Incorrect handling of translation component of font transform.
6684056: SUPERSCRIPT TextAttribute on font needs to trigger layout.
6686365: bolded zero width space has non zero width in FM or LCD modes
6687298: Reg testcase java/awt/Graphics2D/DrawString/RotTransText.java 
fails in windows in pit build 6u10 b22
6692979: VM Crash when shearing text + rect over a range of values
6694480: Two small inefficiencies in getting font strikes for 
transformed fonts.
6696292: Printing transformed images accuracy problems
6697721: OpenJDK: rotated text baseline different between TextLayout and 
6699843: IllegalArgumentException found when using Graphics.drawString( 
"", 0, 0 )
6703377: freetype: glyph vector outline is not translated correctly

 Tested, Pass (partial fixes):

 Tested, Fail:

 Untested bug fixes:
    Bugs/rfes with no unit tests:

    Other reasons:

 New bugs filed:
    Bugs in PIT build:

    Bugs in earlier promoted build:

Number of PIT requested: 1
Integration target J2SE build number: 1.7.0-b28

Issues and Notes:
  Also run Java2Demo/Font2D and automated tests.
 From Tao

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