jdk7-b39: JSN, Tools, Core Libraries, and Serviceability
Tim Bell
Tim.Bell at Sun.COM
Fri Oct 24 16:41:54 PDT 2008
Component : jmx
Status : 0 major failures, 1 minor failures
Date : 10/23/2008 at 09:05
Tested By : JMX QE
Cost(total man-days): 1
Workspace : /net/sqenfs-1.sfbay/export1/testbase/sqe/7/ws/int/7_int/jmx/
Bundles : /net/jprt-web.sfbay/jprt/archive/2008/10/2008-10-21-040236.tbell.Agones/bundles
Platforms :
Solaris Sparc 10(32), -server
Solaris x86 10(32), -client
Win Server 2003(32), -server
Windows Vista 64 bit, -server
Tests : /net/sqenfs-1.sfbay/export1/testbase/sqe/7/ws/int/7_int/jmx/
Browsers : NA
Patches : NA
Logs : http://sqeweb.sfbay.sun.com/nfs/results/jmx/gtee/JDK7/PIT/JMX/7/b39/20081021-232947/
Number of Tests Executed : 162 product tests, 392 unit tests, 2 tck tests
Bug verification status:
Tested, Pass:
6757225: MXBean: Incorrect type names for parametrized types, dealing with arrays
6758165: ConnectorBootstrap.DefaultValues should have a default value for USE_LOCAL_ONLY
Tested, Pass (partial fixes):
Tested, Fail:
Untested bug fixes:
Bugs/rfes with no unit tests:
Other reasons:
New bugs filed:
Bugs in PIT build:
6763051: MXBean: Incorrect type names for parametrized dealing with arrays (openType)
Bugs in earlier promoted build:
Number of PIT requested: 1
Integration target J2SE build number: 1.7.0-b39
Issues and Notes:
Component : lib
Status : 0 major failures, 3 minor failures
Date : 10/23/2008 at 22:09
Tested By : SQE TL PIT
Cost(total man-days): 1
Workspace : /net/sqenfs-1/export1/comp/jsn/all_workspace/7_int/libs
Bundles : /net/jprt-web.sfbay/jprt/archive/2008/10/2008-10-21-040236.tbell.Agones/bundles
Platforms :
Solaris Sparc 11(32), -server
WinXP Prof(32), -client
RH AS4.0 (32), -server
SuSE SLES8 AMD(64OS)(32jdk), -server
Tests : /net/sqenfs-2.sfbay/export2/stt/cady_dtf/unified/knight-ws/suites/7.0_sqenfs/libs
Browsers : NA
Patches : NA
Logs : /net/sqenfs-2.sfbay.sun.com/export2/results/libs/tl-nightly/gtee/2008/297/libs
Number of Tests Executed : 1643 product tests, 0 unit tests, 0 tck tests
Bug verification status:
Tested, Pass:
5025260: (se) Register methods should throw ClosedChannelException instead of NPE
Tested, Pass (partial fixes):
Tested, Fail:
Untested bug fixes:
Bugs/rfes with no unit tests:
Other reasons:
New bugs filed:
Bugs in PIT build:
Bugs in earlier promoted build:
Number of PIT requested: 1
Integration target J2SE build number: 1.7.0-b39
Issues and Notes:
Component : sec
Status : 0 major failures, 24 minor failures
Date : 10/23/2008 at 20:58
Tested By : JSN SQE
Cost(total man-days): 2
Workspace : http://sqeweb/jsn/all_workspace/7_int/
Bundles : /net/bonsai.sfbay/w/builds/jdk/7/pit/b39
Platforms :
Solaris Sparc 11(32), -client
Solaris Sparc 10(32), -client
Solaris x86 10(32), -client
WinXP Prof(32), -client
RH AS4.0 (32), -client
Solaris AMD64(32jdk), -server
SuSE SLES8 AMD(64OS)(32jdk), -client
Tests : http://sqeweb/jsn/all_workspace/7_int/
Browsers : NA
Patches : NA
Logs : http://sqeweb/net/jsn-sb2500-5/export/sec/test_exec/gtee_pit_7.0_dtf_results
Number of Tests Executed : 1080 product tests, 1053 unit tests, 0 tck tests
Bug verification status:
Tested, Pass:
6706974: Add krb5 test infrastructure
6752764: PIT B37: CertPath/CertPathValidatorTest/KeyParamsInheritanceTest failed
6761072: new krb5 tests fail on multiple platforms
Tested, Pass (partial fixes):
Tested, Fail:
Untested bug fixes:
Bugs/rfes with no unit tests:
Other reasons:
New bugs filed:
Bugs in PIT build:
Bugs in earlier promoted build:
Number of PIT requested: 1
Integration target J2SE build number: 1.7.0-b39
Issues and Notes:
Component : serviceability
Status : 0 major failures, 0 minor failures
Date : 10/24/2008 at 06:19
Tested By : VM SQE
Cost(total man-days): 1
Workspace : NA
Bundles : /net/jprt-web.sfbay/jprt/archive/2008/10/2008-10-21-040236.tbell.Agones/bundles
Platforms :
Solaris Sparc 11(32), -client
Solaris Sparc 11(32), -server
Solaris Sparc 10(32), -client
Solaris Sparc 10(32), -server
Solaris x86 11(32), -client
Solaris x86 11(32), -server
Solaris x86 10(32), -client
Solaris x86 10(32), -server
WinXP Prof(32), -client
WinXP Prof(32), -server
WinXP Home(32), -client
WinXP Home(32), -server
Win Server 2003(32), -client
Win Server 2003(32), -server
Windows Vista 32 bit, -client
Windows Vista 32 bit, -server
Windows Vista 64 bit, -server
RH AS4.0 (32), -client
RH AS4.0 (32), -server
Solaris AMD64(64jdk), -d64/-server
Sol Sparc 10(64OS)(64jdk), -d64/-server
win server2003 AMD(64OS)(64jdk), -d64/-server
RH AS4.0 AMD(64OS)(64jdk), -d64/-server
Tests : /net/sqenfs-1.sfbay/export1/comp/vm/testbase/
Browsers : NA
Patches : NA
Logs :
Number of Tests Executed : 208385 product tests, 0 unit tests, 0 tck tests
Bug verification status:
Tested, Pass:
Tested, Pass (partial fixes):
Tested, Fail:
Untested bug fixes:
Bugs/rfes with no unit tests:
6332953: JMX agent should bind to loopback address when starting the local connector server
Other reasons:
New bugs filed:
Bugs in PIT build:
Bugs in earlier promoted build:
Number of PIT requested: 1
Integration target J2SE build number: 1.7.0-b39
Issues and Notes:
No test case available for 6332953.
Also it seems is more related to JVM testing rather VM/Serviceability.
Component : tools
Status : 0 major failures, 3 minor failures
Date : 10/23/2008 at 22:19
Tested By : SQE TL PIT
Cost(total man-days): 1
Workspace : /net/sqenfs-1/export1/comp/jsn/all_workspace/7_int/tools
Bundles : /net/jprt-web.sfbay/jprt/archive/2008/10/2008-10-21-040236.tbell.Agones/bundles
Platforms :
Solaris Sparc 11(32), -server
WinXP Prof(32), -client
RH AS4.0 (32), -server
SuSE SLES8 AMD(64OS)(32jdk), -server
Tests : /net/sqenfs-2.sfbay/export2/stt/cady_dtf/unified/knight-ws/suites/7.0_sqenfs/tools
Browsers : NA
Patches : NA
Logs : /net/sqenfs-2.sfbay.sun.com/export2/results/libs/tl-nightly/gtee/2008/295/tools
Number of Tests Executed : 1643 product tests, 0 unit tests, 0 tck tests
Bug verification status:
Tested, Pass:
6760226: test/tools/javap/T6622260.java fails with specific locale settings
Tested, Pass (partial fixes):
Tested, Fail:
Untested bug fixes:
Bugs/rfes with no unit tests:
Other reasons:
New bugs filed:
Bugs in PIT build:
Bugs in earlier promoted build:
Number of PIT requested: 1
Integration target J2SE build number: 1.7.0-b39
Issues and Notes:
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