JDK 7 Milestone 3: Release Team approval now required for M3

Mark Reinhold mr at sun.com
Wed Apr 15 20:25:09 PDT 2009

Effective midnight PDT tonight, all remaining changes in Milestone 3
will require Release Team approval prior to integration [1].

The only exceptions to this requirement are doc-only changes and test

These last three builds are open to critical changes as well as to
non-critical changes that are low-risk and hence unlikely to be

To request approval to push an M3 stabilization change, make the
following changes to its Sun bug (i.e., Bugtraq CR):

  (1) Add the "m3-request" keyword;

  (2) Set the "commit to fix in build" field to identify the build
      to which you are targeting the change;

  (3) Add a link to a webrev, if available, in the evaluation; and

  (4) If the change is risky, explain why it should be included in M3.

The Release Team will review the list of proposed stabilizers several
times per week for the remainder of M3.  When a stabilizer is approved
then the "m3-yes" keyword will be added.  If a stabilizer is denied then
the "m3-no" keyword will be added.  In either case the "m3-request"
keyword will be removed.

We haven't yet fully transitioned to Bugzilla, so of necessity we're
using Sun's internal bug database to manage this milestone.  A summary
of pending and approved M3 stabilizers will be posted on an external,
regularly-updated web page, with a bugs.sun.com link for each bug.


  - The process takes effect for any M3 fix that is committed after
    midnight PDT 2009/4/15 (tonight).  So if it's not in the "Fix
    available" state today, and it won't make b57 or earlier, then
    you'll need to ask for approval.

  - Work with your team's gatekeeper to make sure you understand when
    your team forest will freeze for PIT and then push to the master
    forest.  This is earlier than the date listed in the overall build
    and integration schedule [2].

  - Make sure you spell the keyword correctly.  It's "m3-request", all
    lower-case (but without the quotes).

  - External contributors should work with their Sun sponsors to get
    any necessary approvals.

A summary of this information will shortly be posted to our main Project
page, http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk7.

Questions or comments to: jdk7-dev at openjdk.java.net.

- Mark

[1] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jdk7-dev/2009-March/000475.html
[2] http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk7/builds/

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