jtreg unit/regression tests: Shell scripts under CYGWIN

Max (Weijun) Wang Weijun.Wang at Sun.COM
Sun Aug 2 01:28:14 PDT 2009

Is it possible to pull out these common codes into a separate file and  
include it in each script?


On Aug 2, 2009, at 12:03 AM, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:

> On Aug 1, 2009, at 8:03 AM, Joseph D. Darcy wrote:
>> Brad Wetmore wrote:
>>> I know I'm approaching "Holy War" territory, but developers are  
>>> starting to use Cygwin instead of MKS for their windows build  
>>> environments.
>>> Many of our existing test shell scripts contain the following  
>>> pattern:
>>> OS=`uname -s`
>>> case "$OS" in
>>> SunOS | Linux )
>>>   NULL=/dev/null
>>>   PS=":"
>>>   FS="/"
>>>   TMP=/tmp
>>>   ;;
>>> Windows_* )
>>>   NULL=NUL
>>>   PS=";"
>>>   FS="\\"
>>>   TMP="c:/temp"
>>>   ;;
>>> * )
>>>   echo "Unrecognized operating system!"
>>>   exit 1;
>>>   ;;
>>> esac
>>> This will fail on CYGWIN, as `uname -s` returns "CYGWIN_NT-5.1".   
>>> The fix is to update the Windows_* line to include CYGWIN:
>>> Windows_* | CYGWIN* )
>>> Please do this when writing new tests or updating existing ones.
>> And it would be a fine little project if someone wanted to add the  
>> Cygwin support proactively to all the shell regression tests!
> I should mention the alternative possibility that it may be possible  
> to convert some shell tests to Java programs. This technique is  
> routinely used in the langtools repository, where we have managed to  
> eliminate a many/most of the shell tests.
>> -Joe

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