jdk7-b70: JSN, Tools, Core Libraries, and Serviceability

Tim Bell Tim.Bell at Sun.COM
Fri Aug 14 16:34:30 PDT 2009



Component : serviceability
 PIT waiver from VM SQE for 6868533 (a test only fix)

Component : jmx
Status    : 0 major failures, 0 minor failures
Date      : 08/13/2009 at 07:47
Tested By : JMX QE
Cost(total man-days): 1

Workspace : /net/bonsai.sfbay/w/builds/jdk/7/pit/b70
Bundles   : /net/jprt-web.sfbay/jprt/archive/2009/08/2009-08-12-054100.tbell.Agones/bundles
Platforms :
Solaris Sparc 10(32), -server
Solaris x86 10(32), -client
Windows Vista 32 bit, -server

Tests     : /net/sqenfs-1.sfbay/export1/tools/gtee/suites/7-jmx
Browsers  : NA
Patches   : NA
Logs      : http://sqeweb.sfbay.sun.com/nfs/results/jmx/gtee/JDK7/PIT/JMX/7/b70/20090813-022451/
Number of Tests Executed : 162 product tests, 422 unit tests, 0 tck tests

Bug verification status:
 Tested, Pass:
6736293: OpenType checks can be bypassed through finalizer resurrection

 Tested, Pass (partial fixes):

 Tested, Fail:

 Untested bug fixes:
    Bugs/rfes with no unit tests:

    Other reasons:

 New bugs filed:
    Bugs in PIT build:

    Bugs in earlier promoted build:

Number of PIT requested: 1
Integration target J2SE build number: 1.7.0-b70

Issues and Notes:

>From JMX QE

Component : libs
Go/NoGO : Go
Date :8.14/09
Tested By : SQE_TL_PIT
Cost(total man-days): 1

Workspace : /net/sqenfs-1/export1/comp/jsn/all_workspace/7_int/libs
Bundles : /net/bonsai.sfbay/w/builds/jdk/7/pit/b70/
Platforms : solaris10-sparcv9/-d64, windows-amd64/-server ,

Tests : /net/sqenfs-1/export1/comp/libs/testbase
Browsers : NA
Patches : NA
Logs : http://jsn-sb2500-1.sfbay.sun.com:9090/tert/
Number of Tests Executed : 1643 product tests, 0 unit tests, 0 tck tests

Bug verification status:
Tested, Pass:

4516760 java  classes_nio  (so) Intermittent SocketException: Transport end
6865748 java  classes_nio  (file) SimpleFileVisitor methods ignore null arg
6867101 java  classes_nio  (file) Path.checkAccess fails with sharing viola
6867244 java  classes_nio  Tests missing @run tag
6493942 java  classes_util ConcurrentLinkedQueue.remove sometimes very slow
6785442 java  classes_util ConcurrentLinkedQueue.remove() and poll() can bo
6805775 java  classes_util LinkedBlockingQueue Nodes should unlink themselv
6815766 java  classes_util LinkedBlockingQueue's iterator can return null i

Tested, Pass (partial fixes):

Tested, Fail:

Untested bug fixes:
Bugs/rfes with no unit tests:

4116222 java  char_encodin Errors in Arabic code-conversion tables, part II
6870298 java  classes_inst fix minor typos in java/lang/instrument/Instrume
6856590 java  classes_lang (process) Use RESTARTABLE in UNIXProcess_md.c
6866719 java  classes_lang Rename execvpe to avoid symbol clash with glibc
6868160 java  classes_lang (process) Use vfork , not fork, on Linux to avoi
6866554 java  classes_nio  Misc. javadoc warnings
6867781 java  classes_nio  (file) Examples in javadoc use newFileAttributeV
5063507 java  classes_util (fmt) missing exception for "%#s" format specifi
6804124 java  classes_util Replace "modified mergesort" in java.util.Arrays

Other reasons:
New bugs filed:
Bugs in PIT build:
Bugs in earlier promoted build:
Number of PIT requested: 1
Integration target J2SE build number: 1.7.0-b70

Issues and Notes:

6867781 - noreg-doc, 5063507 - noreg-doc, 6804124 - noreg-perf

Component : net
Status    : 0 major failures, 0 minor failures
Date      : 08/14/2009 at 23:01
Tested By : JSN SQE
Cost(total man-days): 1

Workspace : /net/sqenfs-1/export1/comp/jsn/all_workspace/7_int/networking
Bundles   : /net/bonsai.sfbay/w/builds/jdk/7/pit/b70
Platforms :
windows-amd64/-server, solaris10-sparcv9/-d64, linux-i586/-client

Tests     : /net/sqenfs-1/export1/comp/jsn/all_workspace/7_int/networking
Browsers  : NA
Patches   : NA
Logs      : /net/sqenfs-2/export2/results/networking/pit/7/b70
Number of Tests Executed : 460 product tests, 0 unit tests, 0 tck tests

Bug verification status:
 Tested, Pass:
6868702 java  classes_net  closed/sun/net/InetAddress/nameservice/dns/basic

 Tested, Pass (partial fixes):

 Tested, Fail:

 Untested bug fixes:
    Bugs/rfes with no unit tests:
6801071 java  classes_net  Remote sites can compromise user privacy and pos
6801497 java  classes_net  Proxy is assumed to be immutable but is non-fina
6826780 java  classes_net  URLClassPath should use HashMap<String, XXX> ins
6826801 java  classes_net  JarFileFactory should not use HashMap<URL>

    Other reasons:

 New bugs filed:
    Bugs in PIT build:

    Bugs in earlier promoted build:

Number of PIT requested: 1
Integration target J2SE build number: 1.7.0-b70

Issues and Notes:
6801071 - noreg-hard,
6801497 - noreg-hard,
6826780 - performance,

Component : sec
Status    : 0 major failures, 0 minor failures
Date      : 08/14/2009 at 04:30
Tested By : JSN SQE
Cost(total man-days): 1

Workspace : /net/sqenfs-1/export1/comp/jsn/all_workspace/7_int/security
Bundles   : /net/bonsai.sfbay/w/builds/jdk/7/pit/b70
Platforms : solaris10-sparcv9/-d64, windows-amd64/-server, linux-i586/-client

Tests     : /net/sqenfs-1/export1/comp/jsn/all_workspace/7_int/security
Browsers  : NA
Patches   : NA
Logs      : /net/sqenfs-2/export2/results/security/pit/7/b70/
Number of Tests Executed : 1059 product tests, 0 unit tests, 0 tck tests

Bug verification status:
 Tested, Pass:
6657695 java  classes_secu AbstractSaslImpl.logger is a static mutable (fin
6824440 java  classes_secu XML Signature HMAC issue
6840752 java  classes_secu Provide out-of-the-box support for ECC algorithm
6858484 java  classes_secu If an invalid HMAC XML Signature is validated, a
6866479 java  classes_secu libzip.so caused JVM to crash when running jarsi
6867231 java  classes_secu Regression: jdk/test/sun/security/krb5/ConfPlusP
6867657 java  classes_secu Many JSN tests do not run under cygwin
6821190 jgss  framework    more InquireType values for ExtendedGSSContext
6710360 jgss  krb5plugin   export Kerberos session key to applications

 Tested, Pass (partial fixes):

 Tested, Fail:

 Untested bug fixes:
    Bugs/rfes with no unit tests:
6867687 java  classes_secu keytool's standard.sh test timeout sometimes
6868867 java  classes_secu Test: sun/security/tools/keytool/standard.sh fai
6868975 jce   runtime      Add the export security source file list to the
6870718 jce   runtime      Binary builds for 6840752: Provide out-of-the-bo

    Other reasons:

 New bugs filed:
    Bugs in PIT build:

    Bugs in earlier promoted build:

Number of PIT requested: 1
Integration target J2SE build number: 1.7.0-b70

Issues and Notes:

6867687 - noreg-test,
6868867 - noreg-test,

Component : tools
Go/NoGO : Go
Date :08/14/09
Tested By : SQE_TL_PIT
Cost(total man-days): 1

Workspace : /net/sqenfs-1/export1/comp/jsn/all_workspace/7_int/tools
Bundles : /net/bonsai.sfbay/w/builds/jdk/7/pit/b70/
Platforms : solaris10-sparcv9/-d64,
windows-amd64/-server , linux-i586/-client

Tests : /net/sqenfs-1/export1/comp/tools/testbase
Browsers : NA
Patches : NA
Logs : http://jsn-sb2500-1.sfbay.sun.com:9090/tert/
Number of Tests Executed : 1079 product tests, 0 unit tests, 0 tck tests

Bug verification status:
 Tested, Pass:
6199153 java  compiler     Generic throws and overriding
6390045 java  compiler     Unexpected error "cannot access java.lang.Void"
6521805 java  compiler     Regression: JDK5/JDK6 javac allows write access
6569404 java  compiler     Regression: Cannot instantiate an inner class of
6806876 java  compiler     ClassCastException occurs in assignment expressi
6840059 java  compiler     regression: javac silently crashes when resolvin
6861837 java  compiler     JCK compilation failures
6862608 java  compiler     rich diagnostic sometimes contain wrong type var
6864382 java  compiler     NPE in the rich formatter when processing an una
6869075 java  compiler     regression: javac crashes when compiling compoun
4777949 java  javap        Javap Rewrite : Warn javap usage on package clas
4880672 java  javap        javap does not output inner interfaces of an int
6729471 java  javap        javap should accept class files on the command l
6855990 java  javap        javap InstructionDetailWriter should support new
6866657 java  javap        add byteLength() method to primary classfile typ
6868539 java  javap        javap should use current names for constant pool
6868548 java  javap        remove spurious ';' from after constant pool ent

 Tested, Pass (partial fixes):

 Tested, Fail:

 Untested bug fixes:
    Bugs/rfes with no unit tests:
6827648 java  compiler     Extremely slow compilation time for visitor patt
6830335 java  jar          Java JAR Pack200 Decompression Integer Overflow
6734068 java  javap        Some variable length attributes set their size i
6858429 java  javap        javap classfile library a minor bug
6867671 java  javap        javap whitespace formatting issues
6868553 java  javap        6867671 breaks some tests

    Other reasons:

 New bugs filed:
    Bugs in PIT build:

    Bugs in earlier promoted build:

Number of PIT requested: 1
Integration target J2SE build number: 1.7.0-b70

Issues and Notes:
6827648 - noreg-perf,
6734068 - noreg-trivial,
6858429 - noreg-trivial,
6867671 - noreg-cleanup,
6868553 - noreg-self


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