Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Tue Aug 18 11:47:35 PDT 2009

I recall some issues needing to be fixed in these files, I would hate to
loose those fixes, whatever they were.

The question is, do they all need to be the same, or can they be
allowed to drift independently.
Some of these repositories have a degree of independence, and some
of the information in this readme doesn't apply to all repositories.

Not sure it's fair to RE to make them responsible for keeping all
7 copies merged, so if it's 'one', anyone changing the file will need
to change all 7 copies.

I'm not sure where the original copy came from, but it's generally
not an accepted policy to reformat these things, although I did see
some strange non-printing characters in these files in the past.


Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
> Would it make sense to have master copies of these licenses somewhere, 
> and have RE
> update these THIRD_PARTY_README files automatically when needed, much as 
> they
> update copyrights and/or validate the legal notices in source files?
> -- Jon
> Brad Wetmore wrote:
>> Tim/Kelly, why are there copies of the THIRD_PARTY_README in 7 
>> different repositories?  We started with 7 identical copies, but now 
>> they have diverged into two different versions following Tim's 
>> putback.  Are they supposed to be all the same?  What's the intent 
>> here?  See below.
>> Martin,
>> > It appears that some licenses are correctly included verbatim,
>> > and some are gratuitously reformatted.
>> I'm not seeing this reformatting you're talking about...
>> What I do see here...there are now two different versions of the 
>> THIRD_PARTY_README in the repositories.  I don't know why or what was 
>> intended (above).
>> 1)  There was an initial load in all these workspaces:
>> ., corba, hotspot, langtools, jaxp, jaxws, jdk
>> All the README files are identical.  (same sums)
>> 2)  The following workspaces were updated by Tim Bell to add something 
>> by Marti Maria, and remove something by Peter Norvig.
>> jaxp, jaxws, jdk
>> This were done under three different bugs:
>> 6738894: Merge jaxp fixes from 6 update train into OpenJDK 6 and 7
>> 6831313: update jaxws in OpenJDK7 to 2.1 plus bug fixes from OpenJDK 6
>> 6695776: corba jscheme jar files in repository could be built from source
>> I didn't see any reformatting.
>> 3)  All of the workspaces were updated by Abhijit for a copyright date 
>> change (2005 to 2007):
>> 6803688: Integrate latest JAX-WS (2.1.6) in to JDK 6u14
>> For some reason, the same change went into the jaxws repository but 
>> under a different bugid.
>> 6813167: 6u14 JAX-WS audit mutable static bugs
>> Again, I'm not seeing any reformatting.
>> Brad

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