Upcoming changes to JDK7 build process: JIBX

Peter Zhelezniakov Peter.Zhelezniakov at Sun.COM
Mon Aug 31 04:04:09 PDT 2009


Back in April we've introduced a new build dependency: JIBX. It was 
necessary for the Nimbus generator to work, and nobody was happy about 
it at that time.

So JIBX is going away now. Nimbus generator has been rewritten using 
JAXB, which will be taken from the bootstrap JDK. ALT_JIBX_PATH will not 
be needed any more.

I've just pushed the changeset.

Peter Zhelezniakov wrote:
> As part of the Nimbus forwardport into JDK7, a change to the build 
> process is being made.
> Nimbus generates many of its source files automatically at build time. 
> The generator is based on a third-party project, JIBX 
> (jibx.sourceforge.net). Specifically, it needs the following 4 jar files 
> to run:
>         bcel.jar
>         jibx-bind.jar
>         jibx-run.jar
>         xpp3.jar
> These files can be downloaded from
> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=69358&package_id=68290 
> By default, these files are looked for in /java/devtools/share/jibx/lib 
> or J:\share\jibx\lib. You can specify another path with the 
> ALT_JIBX_LIBS_PATH variable.
> Note that this is a build-time dependency only; the jar files are not 
> copied to the resulting build.


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