jdk7-b64: awt, swing, i18n
Yuri Nesterenko
Yuri.Nesterenko at Sun.COM
Wed Jul 8 04:24:11 PDT 2009
Component : awt
Status : 0 major failures, 0 minor failures
Date : 07/07/2009 at 05:01
Tested By : Lawrence Prem Kumar
Cost(total man-days): 3
Workspace : /net/sqindia/export/disk11/awt/lawrence/awtWS
Bundles : /net/sqindia.india/export/disk05/2d-SQE/PIT/7/2009-07-01-072434.yn153226.jdk7-swing-pit-with-awt
Platforms :
Solaris Sparc 10(32), -client
WinXP Prof(32), -client
RH AS4.0 (32), -client
Tests : /net/sqindia/export/disk11/awt/lawrence/awtWS
Browsers : NA
Patches : NA
Logs : /net/sqindia/export/disk05/awt/karen/pitresults/b64
Number of Tests Executed : 1971 product tests, 27027 unit tests, 0 tck tests
Bug verification status:
Tested, Pass:
4788402: SortingFocusTraversalPolicy: prob with non-focusable focus Cycle Root as first
6674447: Test test/closed/java/awt/Component/NativeInLightShow/NativeInLightShow.html fails
6721086: Toolkit beep does not work consistently
6736247: Component.printAll Invalid local JNI handle
6797487: Regression: java/awt/Container/ZOrder/Test.java gives different results
6821291: assertion failure in awt_Frame.h
6847599: closed/java/awt/EventDispatchThread/ExceptionHandler.java fails
6848458: java/awt/GridLayout/LayoutExtraGaps/LayoutExtraGaps.java fails
6851646: test/closed/java/awt/GridBagLayout/GridBagLayoutIpadXYTest/GridBagLayoutIpadXYTest.java can fail
Tested, Pass (partial fixes):
Tested, Fail:
Untested bug fixes:
Bugs/rfes with no unit tests:
6824169: Need to remove some AWT class dependencies
6855713: jdk7: debug build failure in awt_Frame.cpp
Other reasons:
New bugs filed:
Bugs in PIT build:
6857358: Two testcases are failing in jdk7 b64 pit build with java.security.AccessControlException
6857592: Getting warning while moving or resizing the frame when component.printAll() is called on local JNI
6857809: java/awt/Component/PrintAllXcheckJNI/PrintAllXcheckJNI.java fails in jdk7 b64 pit build
Bugs in earlier promoted build:
6857621: test/java/awt/Modal/WsDisabledStyle/ fails with java.lang.RuntimeExce
Number of PIT requested: 1
Integration target J2SE build number: 1.7.0-b64
Issues and Notes:
couple of bugs are waived off.
From Lawrence Prem Kumar
=========================== i18n bugs are waived at this moment ========
We will verify them during promotion testing.
Bill Situ wrote:
> Yuri,
> I don't think we can get it done by tomorrow night. We will start
> running the test as soon as we have the promoted build.
> Bill
> On 7/6/2009 10:13 AM, Michael Fang wrote:
>> Forwarding to Jane.
>> thanks,
>> -michael
>> Yuri Nesterenko wrote:
>>> Hi gentlemen,
>>> how's going testing for b64? There seems to be 4
>>> i18n related fixes, could you do it by tomorrow night?
>>> (http://monaco.sfbay.sun.com/url/hv5)
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Yuri
Component : swing
Status : 0 major failures, 0 minor failures
Date : 07/07/2009 at 05:24
Tested By : Vinay
Cost(total man-days): 3
Workspace : http://sqindia.india/disk10/j2se/swing/JDK7_WORK/swing/JDK7_Swing_WS/
Bundles : /net/sqindia.india/export/disk05/2d-SQE/PIT/7/2009-07-01-072434.yn153226.jdk7-swing-pit-with-awt
Platforms :
Solaris Sparc 10(32), -client
WinXP Prof(32), -client
RH AS4.0 (32), -client
Tests :
Browsers : NA
Patches : NA
Logs : http://sqindia.india.sun.com/disk10/j2se/swing/JDK7_WORK/swing/results/pit_b64/
Number of Tests Executed : 249 product tests, 1172 unit tests, 0 tck tests
Bug verification status:
Tested, Pass:
6557223: Resize cursor stays after fast outline-resize of JInternalFrame with JScrollPane
6737700: api/javax_swing/table/DefaultTableCellRenderer/index.html#getset:DefaultTableCellRenderer
6742850: Antialiasing for GTK L&F should be turned on by default if there is no embedded bitmap.
6827032: NIMBUS: Drag and drop throws a NPE in SwingSet2 ColorChooser
6844273: jdk/make/docs/CORE_PKGS.gmk does not list Nimbus
6849805: Nimbus L&F: NimbusLookAndFeel.getDerivedColor() not always returns color2 for 1.0 midPoint
Tested, Pass (partial fixes):
6848364: javax/swing/border/Test4856008.java regression test fails due to BorderedComponent package not found
Tested, Fail:
Untested bug fixes:
Bugs/rfes with no unit tests:
6679840: provide a way to choose v-synced BufferStrategy
6849277: Nimbus L&F: lots of painter classes were added to JDK7 as public
Other reasons:
New bugs filed:
Bugs in PIT build:
6857870: Regression tests are failing with ExceptionInInitializerError
Bugs in earlier promoted build:
6857877: java/beans/EventHandler/Test6788531.java fails with RuntimeException
6857888: closed/javax/swing/JMenuItem/6458123/bug6458123.java fails with InvocationTargetException.
Number of PIT requested: 1
Integration target J2SE build number: 1.7.0-b64
Issues and Notes:
The following two bugs are waived off due to unavailable of environment (6849277,6679840)
From Vinay
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