jdk7-b66: awt, swing

Yuri Nesterenko Yuri.Nesterenko at Sun.COM
Wed Jul 22 05:19:36 PDT 2009



Component : awt
Status    : 0 major failures, 0 minor failures
Date      : 07/21/2009 at 04:08
Tested By : karen.pinto
Cost(total man-days): 4

Workspace : /net/sqindia/export/disk11/awt/lawrence/awtWS
Bundles   : /net/sqindia/export/disk05/2d-SQE/PIT/7/2009-07-15-051548.yn153226.jdk7-swing-pit-with-awt
Platforms :
Solaris Sparc 10(32), -client
WinXP Prof(32), -client
RH AS4.0 (32), -client

Tests     : /net/sqindia/export/disk11/awt/lawrence/awtWS
Browsers  : NA
Patches   : NA
Logs      : /net/sqindia/export/disk05/awt/karen/pitresults/jdk7/b66
Number of Tests Executed : 1971 product tests, 27027 unit tests, 0 tck tests

Bug verification status:
  Tested, Pass:
6759726: TrayIcon constructor throws NPE instead of documented IAE
6837446: Introduce Window.isOpaque() method
6847149: test/java/awt/Window/OwnedWindowsLeak/OwnedWindowsLeak.java fails
6847958: MouseWheel event is getting triggered for the disabled Textarea in jdk7 b60 pit build.
6848798: Reg-test java/awt/Robot/RobotStressTest/RobotStressTest.java fails on Rhel5
6853916: java.awt.Window.setBackground(null) throws NullPointerException
6855323: Robot(GraphicsDevice)  constructor initializes LEGAL_BUTTON_MASK variable improperly

  Tested, Pass (partial fixes):

  Tested, Fail:

  Untested bug fixes:
     Bugs/rfes with no unit tests:

     Other reasons:

  New bugs filed:
     Bugs in PIT build:
6862004: Reg-test java/awt/Focus/AppletInitialFocusTest/AppletInitialFocusTest.html fails on windowsReg test
6862560: Frame is becoming undecorated when setting its background to alpha value less then 255

     Bugs in earlier promoted build:

Number of PIT requested: 1
Integration target J2SE build number: 1.7.0-b66

Issues and Notes:

 From karen.pinto

Component : swing
Status    : 2 major failures, 0 minor failures
Date      : 07/21/2009 at 02:39
Tested By : Vinay
Cost(total man-days): 2

Workspace : http://sqindia.india/disk10/j2se/swing/JDK7_WORK/swing/JDK7_Swing_WS/
Bundles   : /net/sqindia.india/export/disk05/2d-SQE/PIT/7/2009-07-15-051548.yn153226.jdk7-swing-pit-with-awt
Platforms :
Solaris Sparc 10(32), -client
WinXP Prof(32), -client
RH AS4.0 (32), -client

Tests     : http://sqindia.india.sun.com/disk01/vinay/pit_tests/
Browsers  : NA
Patches   : NA
Logs      : http://sqindia.india/disk10/j2se/swing/JDK7_WORK/swing/results/pit/b66/
Number of Tests Executed : 244 product tests, 903 unit tests, 0 tck tests

Bug verification status:
  Tested, Pass:
6489447: Apply the more robust fix for 6449933 to dolphin and 6ux
6723447: Introspector doesn't check return type for indexed property setters

  Tested, Pass (partial fixes):

  Tested, Fail:

  Untested bug fixes:
     Bugs/rfes with no unit tests:
6329581: LTP: java.beans.XMLEncoder does not manage ClassLoader.
6380849: RFE: Automatic discovery of PersistanceDelegates

     Other reasons:

  New bugs filed:
     Bugs in PIT build:
6862521: closed/javax/swing/JTable/sorting/UnitTest.java test fails with invalid inferred types.

     Bugs in earlier promoted build:
6862526: Few regression tests are failing with java.lang.Error.

Number of PIT requested: 1
Integration target J2SE build number: 1.7.0-b66

Issues and Notes:
   Bugs(6329581,6380849) are waived off due to unavailable of environment.
 From Vinay

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