Suggestions for Java Generics Semantics in Java Version 7.0 _ RIP

Jaisimha Narahari jcnarahari at
Sat Jun 13 06:03:27 PDT 2009


Thanks for letting me know. 

>From what you are
saying, and also from the contents of the blog I referred to, I
understood that what looks like a trivial change from a programmer's
view point, is not so trivial at all, on account of the implications
for a very large volume of Legacy Code users.

This justifies Erasure incorporated into the implementation of Generics in Java 5.

it is really sad that Java has to carry on with what would amount to
error prone coding by not-so-careful programmers, losing the chance to
start becoming a very robust platform, given that Legacy Code using Raw Types is only going to build up with each new version of Java.

Thanks again.

Jaisimha Narahari.


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