Suggestions for Java Generics Semantics in Java Version 7.0 _ Resurrected (Word Wrapped)
Jaisimha Narahari
jcnarahari at
Wed Jun 17 02:44:01 PDT 2009
Much as I would not like to harp on something which seems to have been already belabored at length, the lack of an appropriate priority on the issue of having Reified
Generics in Java 7 is very puzzling.
All the more so, since, as noted in the last post, this issue has been in Sun's Bug
Database for nearly four years (the earliest entry is dated 29-SEP-2004).
Under Bug ID 5098163 in which this issue has been identified as a definite bug, against
"Evaluation", you find --> "Under discussion as a potential feature in Java SE 7."
Also under "Priority" it is --> "4-Low"
I could not find any other entry that indicated further action taken, nor the current status,
maybe on account of the low priority assigned to this bug, as seen above.
I sincerely feel that this issue of having Reified Generics in Java 7 is Too Important to be
given low priority status, not withstanding the discussions in all the previous posts in this mailing list.
So I would like to revive a plea for it one last time.
Firstly, a bug is, well A BUG. It is a no-brainer then that FIXING BUGS SHOULD TAKE
Secondly, since the reason for continuing with Raw Types is only Backward Compatibility,
the changes required to javac, the JVM, and the APIs to accomodate Reified Generics are
definitely not enormous. Only the impact of such a change is considered to be enormous,
due to Legacy Code.
There are entries in the Bug Database that plead for Reified Generics ( I reproduce the URL
here, for anyone wanting to look up:
One particular entry I reproduce here, partially:
("solmyr72", if you are reading this, I sincerely hope you don't mind my quoting you without
your permit):
Submitted On 06-MAY-2006
Please, please fix this !
3) If backwards compatibility is that important to you, how about adding some compiler
flag, to turn off reification ? E.g:
> java -noReification ...
The above flag can also be used with javac, so that compile time treatment of Raw types
can continue to exist as they do now.
A flag like this seems to be a pointer as to how we can eat the cake and have it too.
Legacy Code users go for Raw Type treated as valid by both javac and the JVM (with the
above flag specified)
All others, take the DEFAULT BEHAVIOUR of both JAVAC and the JVM, which SUPPORT
ONLY REIFIED GENERICS (with the above flag not specified).
Third, let's get to the fundamentals. An "Object Oriented Program" deals with "Objects".
Objects happen to be instances of "Types". So Types are the core of OOP. "Erasure"
followed in the implementation of Generics ERASES TYPES.
An OOP language that erases partially the core concept on which it is based cannot make
for a very good specimen of the genre.
It is not so much about the language being ideal, it is about the mess it creates with the
type system as a consequence.
In an OOP language, we have a situation where the wholesome type of Generics (their
Base Type together with all their Type Parameters) cannot be part of Inheritance Hierarchy
in the normal way (that is, with the Type Parameters also deciding the Hierarchy - they are
also types, after all).
And, Arrays of these Generic Types cannot be created.
If you really think about this , these two restrictions can practically "suffocate" Generic
Types and prevent their usage in many contexts.
PRIORITY. As seen above, it may be possible to have dual semantics in operation with the
help of a flag, and still support Raw Types.
The time to act is NOW, because, Legacy Code only builds up as days go by.
Hence this plea for inclusion in Java 7.
If deadlines suffer as a result, a delay in the release of Java 7 is definitely worth it, knowing
that the delivered product will be robust and elegant.
I rest my case.
Jaisimha Narahari
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