JDK 7 Development Process question

Yoshito Umaoka y.umaoka at gmail.com
Thu Mar 12 13:12:14 PDT 2009

> I've posted a (partial) first draft, here:
>     http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mr/jdk7-dev-process.html <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Emr/jdk7-dev-process.html>
> This draft covers teams, schedule structure, and the proposal
> and review process for features.  Still to come are sections
> on how to document code/API/specification changes and on the
> process for reviewing such changes (i.e., the redesign of
> Sun's internal CCC process).
I'm currently working for the Locale Enhancement project sponsored by 
the Internationalization group.  I read your proposal above and have 
some questions.

> To propose a new Feature for inclusion in the release, the first step is
> to write up a Feature Proposal and circulate it to the jdk7-dev list or
> other lists, as appropriate, for comment and feedback.  (A template will
> be provided; it will look much like a traditional Sun "one pager"
> document.)
> When you're ready, submit your proposal to the Release Team for initial
> review and approval.  The RT will evaluate your proposal and decide
> whether it merits inclusion in the release.
> A Feature, once approved, is subject to two further approval steps:
>   - Design Review: Once an overall approach and design is complete it
>     should be submitted to the Design Team for review.
>   - Final Review: When the Feature is nearly ready for integration it
>     should be submitted to the Design Team for review and to the Release
>     Team for final approval and targeting to a specific milestone build.
> Owners of Features already approved for JDK 7 will be asked to write and
> publish a Feature Proposal, but in most cases this can be constructed
> from existing documents, e.g., Sun's internal JDK feature-planning
> database or team-specific one-pagers.  Previously-approved Features will
> be subject only to the Final Review step.
When are you going to migrate to this process described above?  Our 
project wants to propose a new Feature to JDK7, and I was told from a 
member of the Internationalization group working for Sun that we're 
supposed to submit a CCC.  Then he told me that the process will be 
changed soon and referred your note above recently.  Could you advice us 
what we're supposed to do for proposing a new feature to JDK7 now?

-Yoshito Umaoka (OpenJDK Locale Enhancement Project)

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