Upcoming changes to JDK7 build process: JIBX

Peter Zhelezniakov Peter.Zhelezniakov at Sun.COM
Mon May 4 03:46:11 PDT 2009


NimbusLookAndFeel has been pushed recently and is now available in JDK7.
So from now on, JIBX libraries are required to build -- see details below.


Peter Zhelezniakov wrote:
> Hello,
> As part of the Nimbus forwardport into JDK7, a change to the build 
> process is being made.
> Nimbus generates many of its source files automatically at build time. 
> The generator is based on a third-party project, JIBX 
> (jibx.sourceforge.net). Specifically, it needs the following 4 jar files 
> to run:
>         bcel.jar
>         jibx-bind.jar
>         jibx-run.jar
>         xpp3.jar
> These files can be downloaded from
> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=69358&package_id=68290 
> By default, these files are looked for in /java/devtools/share/jibx/lib 
> or J:\share\jibx\lib. You can specify another path with the 
> ALT_JIBX_LIBS_PATH variable.
> Note that this is a build-time dependency only; the jar files are not 
> copied to the resulting build.


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