JDK 7 M5 extended to build 76 (2009/11/12)

Tim Bell Tim.Bell at Sun.COM
Tue Nov 3 17:45:04 PST 2009

Hi David

> When will changes pushed to the M5 forest make their way into the main 
> JDK7 (M6?) forest? Eg jsr166y changes.

I did the merges and started PIT (Pre Integration Testing) builds
last night.  Today I sent out the PIT request to the test teams.  If
all goes well and I get my PIT certificates or waivers, I expect
to push the m5 changesets to the master gates on Friday the 6'th
after 2PM (PST).  After soaking in the master until Thursday
12 November, they will be promoted as b76.

BTW: here is a webrev of the OpenJDK changes in this last
round for M5/b76:



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