Testing your jdk7 builds

Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Thu Nov 12 11:55:50 PST 2009


Recently I pushed some changes into the jdk7/tl forest jdk repository:

It should make it easier to validate your jdk build by running
only the jdk regression/unit tests in the repository that are
expected to pass and have proven to be reliable and stable tests.
They also should run as quickly as possible.

You will need a built jdk7 image and also the jtreg tool installed.

To download and install the latest jtreg tool do the following:
   wget http://www.java.net/download/openjdk/jtreg/promoted/b03/jtreg-4_0-bin-b03-31_mar_2009.zip
   unzip jtreg-4_0-bin-b03-31_mar_2009.zip
   export JT_HOME=`pwd`/jtreg

For example, to run the jdk java/math tests (they run very quickly):
   cd jdk/test && gnumake [PRODUCT_HOME=jdk7_home_dir] jdk_math

There are various batches of tests, jdk_all runs all of them
and if your machine can handle it, use "gnumake -j 4 jdk_all" to run
up to 4 of the batches in parallel.
Some batches are run with the jtreg -samevm option, some not.

If any of these tests fail, and you conclude that your jdk changes
are NOT to blame, then a testcase may need to be added to the
problem list and excluded. But please check with me first, and
try and supply the *.jtr file for the failing testcase in your email.

If you do try this out, please let me know how it went.


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