Install jdk-7 on Sidux failed

Dalibor Topic Dalibor.Topic at Sun.COM
Fri Nov 13 04:17:22 PST 2009

Alexander Bell wrote:
> Unfortunately it didn't work to create a pkg with fakeroot make-jpkg.
> I get the following error:
> Detected Debian build architecture: amd64
> Detected Debian GNU type: x86_64-linux-gnu
> No matching plugin was found.

That sounds like a question for the debian-java mailing list over
at the debian project. make-jpkg is not part of jdk 7. Afaik it's
part of the java-package package.

The jdk7-ea downloads don't come with a plugin, I believe, so that
may be causing make-jpkg to fall over. Just a guess, though, debian-java
may be able to help you further.

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