JDK 7 M5 extended to build 76 (2009/11/12)

Mark Reinhold mr at sun.com
Thu Oct 29 09:13:38 PDT 2009

I'm going to extend M5 by one more build (i.e., two weeks) so that we
can get the jsr166y work [1] and perhaps a few other, smaller changes
into this milestone.

Changes for this last build will be integrated via a special M5 forest,
based on JDK 7 build 75, which I'll set up later today.  Tim Bell will
begin an integration from that forest next Monday night PST (2 November),
aiming to push into the master on Friday 11/6 in time for the promotion
of build 76 on Thursday 11/12.

Changes for this build require my approval prior to integration.  If
you'd like to propose a change then please send a note to the Release
Team [2] describing the change (including a patch or webrev pointer),
why it should be included, and its risk level.

Any changes already in other JDK 7 forests are bound for M6, and work
for M6 may proceed in those forests without delay.

I'll update the JDK 7 milestone and calendar pages shortly.

- Mark

[1] http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk7/features/#f515
[2] jdk7-rt at openjdk.java.net

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