hg: jdk7/jdk7/jdk: 6896472: Missing libjsig.so causes jdk build failure

Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Thu Oct 29 14:02:54 PDT 2009

Andrew John Hughes wrote:
> 2009/10/29  <kelly.ohair at sun.com>:
>> Changeset: 8885b2256507
>> Author:    ohair
>> Date:      2009-10-29 11:17 -0700
>> URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7/jdk7/jdk/rev/8885b2256507
>> 6896472: Missing libjsig.so causes jdk build failure
>> Reviewed-by: tbell, kvn, phh
>> ! make/java/redist/Makefile
> Is this specific to building with the binary plugs?  Mario reported
> this error on IRC earlier, but I've never seen it and the use of the
> largely redundant binary plugs was the only build difference.

Should have nothing to do with the binary plugs.

Just a hotspot change that seemed to mess up the jdk's idea of
where libjsig.so is.


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