"libjawt.so" not loaded by Java 7

Kapta Ulo ulo_kapta at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 2 02:45:10 PDT 2011

The Java 7 release seems to have broken the LWJGL project on Linux, it no longer works and complains that "libjawt.so" is not loaded. The project has been calling the following method: java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); to ensure that this native file is loaded, this has worked fine for the last 6 or so years. There seems to have been some internal change which causes this to break. Any idea's on what it could be and how to fix this?
There is some more information on the LWJGL forum here http://lwjgl.org/forum/index.php/topic,4085.0.html
Some people have found a workaround using "sudo ldconfig /opt/java/jre/lib/amd64/" which they claim allows it to work as before, but doesn't really explain why its failing, any idea's or pointers would be appreciated.

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