Is there any way to test run jcheck if you don't have commit rights?

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at
Thu Dec 22 14:58:36 PST 2011

You can run jcheck on a pre-commit hook, which prevents the commit from 
succeeding if jcheck finds issues.

-- Jon

On 12/22/2011 10:41 PM, James Melvin wrote:
> Hi Pranav,
> From what I can gather, jcheck only operates on changesets. So, you have
> to commit your work first before running 'hg jcheck'. Perhaps someone on
> the alias has a good way to avoid the commit-rollback-commit-rollback...
> to fix jcheck issues.
> - Jim
> On 12/22/11 4:58 PM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> Try  'hg jcheck'   more info with 'hg help jcheck'
>> -kto
>> On Dec 22, 2011, at 10:49 AM, pranav bhat wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Not sure if this is the right ML to ask this question but I thought 
>>> I'd give it a try:
>>> Is there anyways to kind of "test run" jcheck to see if your 
>>> changeset will be accepted for format / file permissions (eg: 
>>> Reviewed-by:, Contributed-by: tags, files should not have executable 
>>> bit set etc) if it were to be actually pushed especially when you 
>>> don't have any commit/push rights on any forest?
>>> I haven't been here long enough and hence this might be a very 
>>> trivial question. I apologize in advance. :-)
>>> Thanks,
>>> - Pranav

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