Will Java ever offer built-in support for stream processors?

Michael Bien mbien at fh-landshut.de
Thu Jan 13 07:35:21 PST 2011

  Hello Ivan,

those interfaces for e.g. heterogeneous computing are already 
standardised and developed independently. OpenCL for example is 
standardised and maintainded by the Khronos Group. Java would never be 
able to keep up with the release cycle of the other standardisation 
entities. There was already an attempt to do that with 
OpenGL/JOGL/JSR231 but the reference implementation (aka JOGL) was 
always way ahead of the JSR. Sun even never tried to add it to the JDK 
(.. no reason to do that, it would only slow down releases).

I don't want to say its not possible but i am sceptical that there would 
be much gain to expose such fast evolving interfaces in the JDK. What 
would make perfectly sense is to do this on a much higher level and let 
the implementation make use of heterogeneous hardware - but thats when 
it starts to get really complicated :)

maintainer of jocl/jogl/joal,



On 01/13/2011 03:05 PM, assembling signals wrote:
> Hello, community!
> The future of desktop CPUs by Intel, AMD, and VIA is that of integrated GPU cores.
> (Intel: Sandy Bridge, AMD: Fusion, VIA: VN1000(?))
> These GPU cores (or modules) allow to perform vector arithmetic with huge
> performance advantage over "classic" CPU cores.
> Being part of EVERY desktop PC in the future, this technology can't be ignored.
> So my question is: do plans exist to include support for GPU cores (or stream processors)
> into standard Java?
> P.S.: I know that there is JNI and that theoretically every third-party API can be wrapped
> in it to be usable by Java, and surely, such APIs do exist for stream processors already.
> But I'm glad I don't have to use third-party APIs in Java for sound, networking and GUI.
> Providing standard APIs for standard components, that's what Java is about, right?
> Best regards,
> Ivan G Shevchenko

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