Sun bugs are not indexed by search engines: good/bad?

David Herron david at
Sun Jan 16 17:29:42 PST 2011

Does this depend on which search engine you use?

With Google if you prepend "" and search for that title it
comes right up.  This indicates that IS indexed by Google.

- David Herron

On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 4:33 PM, assembling signals <
assembling.signals at> wrote:

> Hello, community!
> I noticed several times, that most bugs in the sun database seem not to be
> indexed by search engines.
> I am asking myself (and you), is that behavior intended?
> Let's have an example:
> This is one of the bugs, submitted by me (
> ).
> When you search for that bug's title using search engines
>    ("Please *** *** *** Method", with double quotes!) you will NOT find it.
> I "masked" the title by intention, so that THIS mail won't be found
> accidentally when you try out the mentioned search.
> Should this behavior be intended, my question is: why?
> Should this behavior be unintended, my question is: can and will it be
> "fixed"?
> Best regards,
> Ivan G Shevchenko

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