JMX Agent work in JDK7...

James Melvin james.melvin at
Thu Mar 17 12:03:07 PDT 2011

As part of the JVM Convergence effort, we plan to enhance the JDK
JMX agent with select features from JRockit, including...

1. New commandline interface (jcmd) for basic JVM diagnostic commands
2. New Lifecycle support to independently start/stop the JMX agent
3. Support for select additional performance counters

This work is planned for JDK7, but requires substantial codebase
restructuring to align with HotSpot. Also, the project requires
careful thought around package organization and associated public,
private, and protected APIs. Work is ongoing and progressing nicely
towards a likely end of March initial delivery. We'll provide updates
and more details as the date approaches.

- Jim

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