jdk7u-b03: jdk7u-dev

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Wed Aug 17 21:40:51 PDT 2011



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

7057459 ja classes_beans    Regression:  Performance degradation with java.beans.XMLEnco
7047325 ja classes_nio      (bf) API to support recycling of direct memory for use by ot
4909150 ja classes_swing    WindowsTreeUI can cause NullPointerException occasionally
7019963 ja classes_swing    The goto parent directory button doesn?t operate in JFileCho
7071246 ja compiler         Enclosing string literal in parenthesis in switch-case crash
7039182 ja embedded         PPC: NIO: java.io.IOException: Invalid argument in sun.nio.c
7064544 ja javadoctool      (javadoc) miscellaneous fixes requested by netbeans
7049774 ja rmi              UID construction appears to hang if time changed backwards
7061379 jg krb5plugin       [Kerberos] Cross-realm authentication fails, due to nameType
7041125 jn ldap             LDAP API does not catch malformed filters that contain two o
7065972 js runtime          Some race condition may happen in SSLSocketImpl class

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