webrevs.2 for macosx changes to jdk7u-osx

Michael McMahon michael.x.mcmahon at oracle.com
Fri Dec 2 02:42:23 PST 2011

On 02/12/11 10:21, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 02/12/2011 10:13, Weijun Wang wrote:
>> Yes, I think jdk7u-osx is only a temporary playground. There is no 
>> need for approval to push anything there.
>> In fact, it's even not as formal as jdk8/tl, where code reviews must 
>> be done seriously, jcheck rules must be obeyed, and all changesets 
>> will be pushed to the main repo with no change. The jdk7u-osx is more 
>> like jigsaw, the developers have their own rules, and when they 
>> finally integrate any change to the main repo, most likely a (or 
>> several) new consolidated changeset will be created.
>> -Max
> As I understand it, jdk7u/jdk7u-ocx should have jcheck enabled so that 
> eventually the changes can be go to jdk7u/jdk7u. I also think that 
> each area should follow their normal processes which means code 
> reviews for each change. The initial push of the port will of course 
> be an exception as it carries many issues that need to be fixed in 
> jdk7u/jdk7u-ocx. Dalibor's mail was a bit of a surprise (to me anyway) 
> as I thought he and Edvward would not need to approve every tweak 
> until the port is done.
> -Alan
Yes, that was my understanding too.

- Michael.

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