Bulk changes: jdk7u-osx forest is open for business

Mario Torre neugens.limasoftware at gmail.com
Fri Dec 2 10:15:54 PST 2011

Il giorno 02/dic/2011, alle ore 15:23, Dalibor Topic ha scritto:
> The jdk7u-osx forest is open for bulk changes - the purpose is to 
> bring over the Mac OS X Port.
> cheers,
> dalibor topic

I'm not sure I understand by "bring over", does it means that this will
"deprecate" the osx forest (in other words the old osx fork is merged into
this branch?) .

If so, this is a good news (or I'm missing something obvious?).

There is a patch I recently submitted to the osx developers that I
would really like to see in this forest too.

Will this forest still be separated from the Linux/Windows/Solaris one, or will
be fully merged at some point (one source to rule them all)?

Probably those questions had already been answered on the various mailing
lists, so sorry for them but I have not followed that much the development
on the OSX front and I would love to get on track again.

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