request permission to push 3 changesets to jdk7u/jdk7u-osx/hotspot repo

Paul Hohensee paul.hohensee at
Tue Dec 6 12:03:04 PST 2011



On 12/6/11 2:57 PM, Daniel D. Daugherty wrote:
> Greetings,
> The jdk7u/jdk7u-osx forest needs a hotspot changeset to build
> properly on Linux and Solaris:
>> Changeset: 242b4e0e6f73
>> Author:    phh
>> Date:      2011-11-29 09:21 -0500
>> URL:
>> 7116189: Export JVM_SetNativeThreadName from Hotspot
>> Summary: Added JVM_SetNativeThreadName to linker mapfiles on Solaris 
>> and Linux.
>> Reviewed-by: dcubed, dholmes
>> Contributed-by:michael.x.mcmahon at
>> ! make/linux/makefiles/mapfile-vers-debug
>> ! make/linux/makefiles/mapfile-vers-product
>> ! make/solaris/makefiles/mapfile-vers 
> This changeset is in the HSX-23-B07 snapshot that went through PIT
> this past weekend, but there's a chance that the PIT will not pass.
> I don't want the jdk7u/jdk7u-osx forest to continue to be unbuildable
> on Linux and Solaris until the next PIT cycle so I'd like to push
> the above changeset to the jdk7u/jdk7u-osx/hotspot repo.
> In order to push that exact changeset, I'll also need to push the
> following two changesets which precede it:
>> changeset:   2921:36b057451829
>> parent:      2905:f9a80a035a4a
>> user:        dholmes
>> date:        Wed Nov 16 20:38:24 2011 -0500
>> summary:     7110017: is_headless_jre should be updated to reflect 
>> the new location of awt toolkit libraries
>> changeset:   2923:c17bc65648de
>> user:        brutisso
>> date:        Mon Nov 21 08:02:40 2011 +0100
>> summary:     7112308: Fix Visual Studio build for precompiled header
> The two additional changesets are both small and easily understood.
> The first changeset has been in RT_Baseline since 2011.11.16 and the
> second has been in RT_Baseline since 2011.11.21.
> Thanks!
> Dan

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