JDK7 Mac OS X Port integration into 7 updates

Andrey Pikalev Andrey.Pikalev at oracle.com
Fri Dec 9 04:43:07 PST 2011

We are moving towards the goal of making the Mac OS X platform one of 
the standard supported platforms for JDK7 updates. Before we push Mac 
specific code into the jdk7u forest we want to stabilize the code in the 
integration forest jdk7u-osx, which is a logical child of jdk7u-dev. 
Doing so reduces the risk of destabilizing jdk7u on any other platform.

We have merged most of the macosx-port changes into the jdk7u-osx 
forest. After we make sure jdk7u-osx is buildable on all platforms, we 
plan to freeze the macosx-port forest and move the Mac port development 
into jdk7u-osx.

This will result in two major changes in the development process. The 
first is that Mac OS X Port development will be managed by jdk7u rules 
starting on the official move date.  The second is that we will freeze 
the Mac OS X Port JIRA instance on java.net and continue the bug 
tracking by regular JDK means (i.e., Bugster).

We very much want to have macosx-port contributors join the 
jdk7u/jdk7u-osx project as contributors, authors, committers, and 
reviewers. The process will be managed by Dalibor in the next few days.

Dalibor Topic,
Paul Hohensee,
Andrey Pikalev

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