JDK 7u2 is now GA

Mark Mielke mark at mark.mielke.cc
Tue Dec 13 21:37:06 PST 2011

On 12/13/2011 07:31 PM, Dr Andrew John Hughes wrote:
> More notice would be useful in future so people can release packages
> around the same time, rather than trailing it by weeks as will now be
> the case.  This is the first mention I've heard of u2 on this list in
> weeks, if not months.

Just to echo this a bit... I've been monitoring this list precisely to 
be more aware of what is happening, and I have to say that although I 
expected a jdk7u2 within the next week, it was only through sleuthing 
*outside* this list that I had any awareness. Even as late as yesterday 
evening, I was telling people "wait until 7u2 which might be this week".

Is there some reason the dates are hidden? Is this Oracle release 
policy? It seems Oracle releases actually quite regular - and some dates 
(security patch dates?) are published well in advance. I think 7u2 
expected release date could have been published... or maybe I'm just 

Mark Mielke<mark at mielke.cc>

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