Request for approval to push 7121368 to jdk7u-osx/jdk

Roger Lewis roger.lewis at
Wed Dec 14 10:29:15 PST 2011

The bug was created today and will show up on within the 
next 12-24 hours. Here is the content of the description:

> Description:
> The JDBC-ODBC bridge has not been supported for a number of years and
> does not appear to be working at all since jdk7 (in linux and solaris).
> Pending any other decision to remove it completely, we would like to
> remove it from the macosx build where it has never been available from Apple
> (and so can't be missed).

On 12/14/11 10:11 AM, Dalibor Topic wrote:
> On 12/14/11 6:34 PM, Michael McMahon wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This is a request to push the fix for 7121368 to the jdk7u-osx/jdk repo.
>> The webrev is at
> Unfortunately,
> says that "This bug is not available." - Can you describe the issue the
> webrev is going to fix?
> cheers,
> dalibor topic

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