7u4 Request for approval for CR 7121110 - JAXP 1.4.5 update 1 for 7u4

Joe Wang huizhe.wang at oracle.com
Tue Dec 20 15:43:34 PST 2011


The jaxp bundle that I'm requesting to be pushed into jdk7u-dev contains 
virtually the same content as that for 7u2 (see 

During 7u2, it was suspected that the jaxp integration had caused a 
build problem.  The update was therefore withdrawn and deferred to 7u4.  
I have since reapplied the update in several small steps and tested by 
running the same jprt build that produced error during 7u2.  Kelly has 
reviewed my latest test and approved it.

The following are changes described in CR 7121110 (same as in CR 7091141):
JAXP 1.4.5 update 1, candidates for 7u2
Changes Made and Bugs Fixed in JAXP 1.4.5 update 1

Nr Category ID Synopsis/Description
1 JAXP/XSLTC 6935697 JRE 1.6.0_17 contains buggy XALAN
3 JAXP/Conformance 6970900 Regex patterns beginning with "(?"
4 JAXP/Conformance 6970904 Character sequence \w in an regex pattern is 
narrower than defined in the specification
5 JAXP/Conformance 6971190  Xml document validator partly accepts UTF 
lexical presentation of digit and words
6 JAXP/Conformance 7042647  XMLGregorianCalendar: incorrect conversion 
in GregorianCalendar
7 JAXP/Conformance 6767322  XMLStreamReader.getVersion implementation 
contradicts JavaDoc
8 JAXP/Parse 7057778  Incompatible behavior of 
javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser between JDK5 and 6
9 JAXP/Parse 7080954  high lock time for 
10 JAXP/Validation/Error report 7082570  XML validation error messages 
are missing unique identifier
11 JAXP/Parse 7053519  JAXP issue 69 : Double-checked locking bug in 
javax.xml.parsers.FactoryFinder.find(String, String)
12 JAXP/performance 7053556 An implementation-specific feature in 
Oracle's JAXP: to allow disable the use of services mechanism
14 JAXP/XSLT 7098746 SpecJvm2008 xml.transform subbenchmark fails validation

Apache Xalan update

Nr Key Synopsis/Description
1 XALANJ-1324  XSLTC compiltation error : Branch target offset too large 
for short
2 XALANJ-1774 Problem with reference to namespace prefix in AVT in XSLTC
3 XALANJ-2206 Propagate template inlining trax attribute
4 XALANJ-2292 XSLTC doesn't handle xsl:param passed as second argument 
to key function correctly
5 XALANJ-2294 XSLTC does not handle the key or id functions correctly 
when multiple input documents are involved
6 XALANJ-2295 XSLTC performance problems with xsl:key in Muenchian grouping
7 XALANJ-2318 XSLTC generates bytecode that exceeds JVM limitation on 
method length for stylesheet with many different QNames in path expressions
8 XALANJ-2384 NullPointerException for reference to key function in a 
top-level variable with XSLTC
9 XALANJ-2377 VerifyError loading translet compiled with XSLTC from 
stylesheet with very large template that uses local variable in a 
predicate, xsl:sort or xsl:number
10 XALANJ-2424 set:distinct() over attribute list breaks XSLTC throwing 
11 XALANJ-2446 Missing prefix for literal result element with XSLTC if 
namespace was associated with a different prefix in another part of the 
12 XALANJ-2447 Effect of exclude-result-prefixes is cumulative across 
stylesheet modules with XSLTC
13 XALANJ-2493 BasisLibrary.nodeList2Iterator broken
14 XALANJ-2339 XSLTC: name()-function doesnt work properly with 
test-statement before
15 XALANJ-2402 NullPointerException thrown for AVT in descendant of a 
literal result element that has a namespace declaration
16 XALANJ-2108 incorrect use of xsl:key cause NullPointerException
17 XALANJ-2061 Cleanup some dead code
18 XALANJ-2208 removal of some cruft that does nothing


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