Proposal on how we should handle syncing between stabilisation forests and always open 7u

Edvard Wendelin edvard.wendelin at
Thu Nov 3 09:02:28 PDT 2011


As you are aware there has been some issues with building openjdk 7u4 in 
the last couple of weeks. This has been fixed in jkd7u2, but hasn't been 
synced to jdk7u yet. The idea was to sync fixes from 7u2 into 7u when we 
built the stabilisation forest. Abhijit is currently working on 
integrating the fixes from b11. However, as many of you has pointed out, 
the time it takes for this to happen is too long, so we need to revisit 
this topic and try to improve.

My proposal going forward is that the developer submitting the fix for a 
stabilisation forest is also responsible for pushing it to jdk7u/jdk7u. 
An approval for the stabilisation forest would also include jdk7u. If 
the code line has diverged and the fix is not applicable, there needs to 
be a separate request for approval according to the normal process [1].

If you have any feedback, please let me know before Monday.



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