Proposal on how we should handle syncing between stabilisation forests and always open 7u

Florian Weimer fweimer at
Fri Nov 4 11:12:06 PDT 2011

* Edvard Wendelin:

> As you are aware there has been some issues with building openjdk 7u4
> in the last couple of weeks. This has been fixed in jkd7u2, but hasn't
> been synced to jdk7u yet.

I don't know what 7u4 is, I assume it's the jdk7u/jdk7u forest.

jdk7u2/jaxws doesn't built either (see my previous message), so I'm not
sure if the issue at hand is merely lack of synchronization.  It's
really difficult to find a JDK 7 forest which builds and receives
(security) updates.

> My proposal going forward is that the developer submitting the fix for
> a stabilisation forest is also responsible for pushing it to
> jdk7u/jdk7u. An approval for the stabilisation forest would also
> include jdk7u. If the code line has diverged and the fix is not
> applicable, there needs to be a separate request for approval
> according to the normal process [1].

It's not clear to me what "applicable" means in this context.  Does it
encompass just a clean Mercurial merge, or do you intend to include
minor tweaks to essentially the same change as well?

Florian Weimer                <fweimer at>
BFK edv-consulting GmbH
Kriegsstraße 100              tel: +49-721-96201-1
D-76133 Karlsruhe             fax: +49-721-96201-99

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