jdk7u-b02: jdk7u-dev
lana.steuck at oracle.com
lana.steuck at oracle.com
Mon Nov 28 21:55:54 PST 2011
All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):
7103610 java classes_awt _NET_WM_PID and WM_CLIENT_MACHINE are not set
7092744 java classes_beans XMLEncoder fails to encode and breaks backward compatibility
7076523 java classes_net TEST_BUG: test/java/net/NetworkInterface/NetParamsTest.java
7079012 java classes_net test/java/net/NetworkInterface/NetParamsTest.java fails with
7057935 java classes_nio com/sun/nio/sctp tests should be moved out of jdk_nio and in
7099228 java classes_security Use a PKCS11 config attribute to control encoding of an EC p
7080203 java classes_swing JTree.getSelectionPaths() now returns empty array instead of
7051769 java classes_text java.text.Bidi.toString() output is wrong
7099658 java classes_util Properties.loadFromXML fails with ClassCastException
7022407 java classes_util_i18 Spinning CPU in LocaleObjectCache.get()
7073906 java classes_util_i18 Locale.getDefault() returns wrong Locale for Java SE 7
7086601 java compiler Error message bug: cause for method mismatch is 'null'
7097436 java compiler Project Coin: duplicate varargs warnings on method annotated
7053252 jce runtime New regression test does not compile on windows-amd64
7091388 jets jets Regular unexplained npe's from corba libs after system has b
7106277 jsse runtime Brokenness in the seqNumberOverflow of MAC
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